Hisuian Arcanine V Irresistible Force Bug
There's a bug where if you constantly move energy between your Hisuian Arcanine V's using it's ability, the game will lag for the other player and time the other player out
Lots of bugs after update
I'm seeing a lot of new glitches in the game...... Cards being lit up to be played when they can't be played. The graphics come on when a card is played and it stays there and is not visually pleasing and seems to slow the game down considerably on Imac computer. Sky Seal Stone did not work when I used it with a basic…
Search card bug
Sometimes when I use search cards (like on the image but could be ultra balls, quick balls, etc) I can't choose any card but there should be valid cards in the deck. This bug is very annoying, basically forces me to concede every match it happens in. Usually I have 1 game when I launch the client that this not happens and…
Multiple Issues after Update
Game freezing Cards light up as actionable, when they are not. Dragging cards to play area not working some abilities not working after play too many to list
Freezing Issue
Game starting freezing again and after waiting 4 minutes for opponent to use their turn. Restarted game to find out I lost 20 trophies
Feedback: animated background in the game
The new animated background in game it makes Causes a drop in fps and very laggy. If a setting could be implemented to be able to remove background animations so that the game is better optimized and with higher fps
Card floats and nothing happens
Sometimes, mainly when the game starts, when I draw cards one of them floats on the field and nothing happens at all. Just like on the screenshot I attached. In a while the timer runs out but that doesn't do anythin either.
Issue in play
Am I the only one who experiences that matches have become much slower when played? Like everything happens in slow motion? In addition, I occasionally experience that I quite simply "lose my turn". I manage to see "your turn" but then a second later it's the opponent's turn before I almost manage to move the mouse
Game bugged - clock keeps ticking
it's been several weeks since live was launched and the whole developer team is running out of excuses and explanations, i just can't belive the game still crashes and gets bugged so bad, clock keeps on working but there's nothing else you can do but loosing points, personally i find this whole thing very disrespectful and…
Invalid Cards
Whenever I play a card that requires go through the deck, the result is always invalid cards even though there are valid cards. It been this way for a few days - since the most recent update. It's completely unplayable on PC. When will there be a hotfix for this game-breaking bug? On my phone I don't find this issue.…