is discard pile scrolling broken and random cards highlighting for everyone else or just me?
cards on my opponents side and in discard pile all highlighted as playable? is anyone else having the same issue
pokestop on 0 cards in deck locks game
tried it just cause i saw i could and it stayed there floating as i watched my turn run down the clock and my opponents turn start and knock me out. couldnt cancel the move couldnt move on and attack or play any other cards. woulda won otherwise but sometimes curiosity takes hold lol
Data Saver Mode
One feature missing that was in PTCGO was the ability to download the entire game's assets. I play on mobile and it eats away at my data extremely fast. I measured how much it had used, just after two games, and browsing a few decks, I had used over 1gb of my data. I simply cannot play this game anymore if it is going to…
FEEDBACK: TCG Live is unplayable to me
I have big time social anxiety, to the point where I almost didn't make this post. TCGO I'm able to play because there are bots I can play against and it's fun, but either I can't find that in TCGL or it was left out which makes the game unplayable to me. Also, how was a trading function left out of a trading card game?…
Can't change my avatar to male
I've tried searching for a male avatar, but cannot find one. Whenever I toggle the avatar icon in the left corner, it switches between two female characters. I edited one avatar to somewhat look male, but it's not the same.
Radiant Jirachi forced to search deck
I ran into a game today where I was forced to search my deck for at least 1 card when I had only 1 card in the deck causing me to lose the game. If this Pokémon is in the Active Spot and is Knocked Out by damage from an attack from your opponent's Pokémon, search your deck for up to 3 cards and put them into your hand.…
Aurora Energy and Temple of Sinnoh interaction
Currently when you play Aurora Energy from hand it does not discard while Temple of Sinnoh is in play. Link to ruling: [Edited by Mod_Champeon: Only official Pokémon URLs are allowed on the forum] Q: If Temple of Sinnoh is in play do I still need to discard a card from my hand in order to attach an Aurora Energy card? A:…
should they fix the worst bug in the game by far?
Turn Timers starting immediately every game start of every turn giving the player 0.35 seconds to do something then turn ends. no chance at playing ranked. animations cant be turned off so they run into the timer. sometimes you don't even get a turn. Hotfix for the love of pokemon.
Import deck problem.... can't read numbers beginning with 0...
Sure this wasn't a problem last time I imported a deck but now I get import failed when ever there is a a card number beginning with 0. Obviously happens a lot since most cards labeled 1- 99 are labelled 001-099 in ptcgo and all the decklist sites. Really would like this to be looked into as don't want to have to edit all…
Anyone having trouble Match making??
Was working fine.. now just sets on MM screen and nothing.. Ive tried reloading the game and rebooting my laptop nothing