Avatar Sunglasses Glitch
No matter how many times I customize the colour and shade of the sunglasses I use on my avatar, once I start a match it would reset to a black colour. Is this happening to anyone else ?
Is TCG live an improvement on the old game?
Samsung S Pen Bug/Support
Unable to perform viewing/sliding/dragging actions with S Pen.
Echoing this until Pokemon listen - ENABLE LANDSCAPE MODE
Migrated over from TCGO, a far superior platform to TCG Live, so many things wrong with this. But possibly the most annoying of all, no landscape mode? Pokemon delayed the release of this by about a year and in all that time no one had the brains to think people will want the option to play in Landscape? What a joke. What…
Is anyone having any iOS battery problems?
I'm running TCG Live on my month old iPhone 14 Pro and my overall battery percentage has already decreased to 96% due to overheating from the app. I was tempted to submit a report to the apple app store, but wanted to verify it was not just me.
General Feedback
There's a couple things I think could be better with PTCG Live on Mac or PC. The click and drag works really nice on the mobile app but it doesn't really feel good when using a desktop or laptop. It was better on PTCGO when you could click on the card to grab it and then click again to set it down. This should definitely…
Searching on any card don't work for deck on Windows 11 (Desktop)
Hi all, I encountered issue that literally don't let me play at all new Pokemon TCG Live. Maybe someone encoutnered similar situation and have answer how to fix it or it can be reported for developers somehow? I noticed that searching option is not working at all (checked with multiple cards) when I'm playing Pokemon TCG…
search the deck not working....
cant search the deck on pc, when i use the cards that has the search ability it shows no cards are valid when it shouldnt. a core mechanic like this not working is pretty lameful. as a youtube video once said: pokemon tcg live is a failed project.
Cards migration
I've invested LOTS of money for booster codes for the PTCGO...for opening boosters, for collection and for trade. I have lots of decks and cards on PTCGO. I need to know when it's possible to get all my cards and decks migrated to the Live version?? I migrated 4 days back, but most of my collection didn't follow me to the…
i would like to transfer my second account to pokemon tcg live on which there is a combined exchange and other high-tech cards but if the cards are not transferred i will exchange them