We seem to be softlocked. I used boss's orders to move the drizzile to to front (decidueye went to the back) then used astral barrage and dropped 50's in decidueye and rowlet, once I dropped the second one (on rowlet) game got stuck like this... Network problem is not on my end, since everything else (internet related) is…
Cards Missing from Card Gallery in Shop
All the Galarian Gallery cards are not listed. You can view them in the deck editor, and the arts make them some of the best cards in the set, so why not make them visible in the shop also?
Display glitch
The box was showing a yellow overlay just randomly happened just now
Bug: BLW 105-112, XY 132-140, GEN 75-83, and EVO 91-99 cannot be obtained via Credits.
Pokemon TCG Live provides every player with 59 copies of each style of basic energy that isn't foil or explicitly part of a set. Consequently, there is never a need to craft additional copies of these cards. Energy cards in certain styles, however, are explicitly parts of sets. The game understandably provides zero copies…
Improvement suggestions
I have a couple of suggestions for improvement on this app the game is incredibly fun my issue is when playing with live players if they just stop playing it holds up the whole game there should be a point of inactivity where the turn 8s skipped after 30s to 1min of inactivity and auto concede if inactivity continues. I…
plis fix this Ultra Ball and Forest Seal Stone
Hi @SirRaleigh, Thank you for sharing your feedback. I edited your post as posting images on the forum is not allowed. If you ever have images you'd like to share with support or the development team, I encourage you to open a ticket. To do so, visit https://support.pokemon.com/ Thanks!
Windows APP keeps having bugs
Hello. I don´t know if the developers are focusing more on mobile app, but many times the Windows version of the TCGLIVE is just unplayable... when drawing the first cards, one keeps on screen and does not let you do anything, so I have to close the app... but worse is when you use abilities or cards to search your deck…
Unable to grab greninja off colress
As the title suggests. At this point ptcglive feels like nothing more than a troll. Sometimes it's perfectly playable, other times it isn't. No communication. Do yall work on it like one day a month or something. Sort it out or quit before you ruin the game altogether. Literally making people not want to play the game…
Mew VMAX Bug - Any Reports from Mew Perspective?
I've read a lot of discussions relating to people vs Mew VMAX experiencing the current bug (myself included). However, I haven't seen anything from a Mew player's perspective yet. Are there any reports/sources?