I literally can not play a single game without my entire turn being randomly skipped. Does this happen to anyone else? How is this even an acceptable state for this game to exist in?
Animations are making me motion sick
I know it is not actually a bug, but some of the ongoing animations are making me motion sick. Please provide the ability to turn off these animations!
Match finding in ranked doesn't work
After the maintenance today, I can't find any matches. I am always stuck in the loading screen.
Trouble matchmaking
I am sitting in matchmaking for 4-5 minutes at a time. Most of the time I just give up now. Is this a known bug, or is it due to a low playerbase?
Arceus V Trinity bug
Ranked match. The attack auto attached all the energy to arceus V. Didn’t Happen in casual, only ranked, kind of a shame. Please investigate!
Improve prize card selecting function.
Dev please improve the selecting prize function. It's barely visible when card was selected. the light blue was too faint. possible please add a tick or some markings when card was selected.
*BUG* Eyeglasses on Avatar.
Anyone having this problem? The tint of the eyeglasses always go back to full tint instead of transparent when I restart the game.
Kyoger and Suicune moves not working
Kyoger Dynamic Wave and Suicune Blizzard Rondo do not do damage.
BUG: Radiant Jirachi's Astral Misfortune and Glimwood Tangle
Not sure if this was reported already, but when Radiant Jirachi's Astral Misfortune is used with Glimwood Tangle active, the flip counter doesn't reset after the first round of coin flips. Ex: Radiant Jirachi flips twice and gets 1 Heads/1 Tails which means Astral Misfortune doesn't activate. Jirachi then elects to flip…
Unable to click on cards when using item searches
I first noticed this today in some matches on android. When using quickball, instead of being able to select cards everything below the all/valid tabs were moved to the bottom of the screen. I couldn't click anything and just had to wait for the invisible timer to fail the search. I also noticed this same bug in a…