[Bug Report] Theory: Potentially Unlimited Losses After Canceling Matchmaking and Staying Logged In

Hello, I reproduced the ranked loss bug after canceling ranked matchmaking and was awarded a second loss after playing another match (even though I won the match). I now suspect that if you stay logged in and don't restart your client, the initial bug causes you to lose more matches automatically.
This would explain my +850 losses earlier, because I canceled matchmaking and went AFK for several hours.
Devs need to hotfix this issue!! It seems a lot of users are also experiencing this bug.
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This was a known issue a few versions ago... I don't remember if the devs addressed it specifically, but it was certainly something that people on this forum were warning about when every second match ended in a desync thanks to the fusion strike bug. I guess they fixed the fusion strike bug but didn't do anything to change the losses after desync bug?
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If this bug fixed in the future, losses match and point will be back to the original?
I saw this issue was happened a few versions ago, but I didn't know the situation at that time.
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according to my records I think I lost about 30 matches with this bug today. luckily I had just hit arceus league last night and apparently you can't drop from 2660 rating when you hit that, but I found it weird that I had won and lost 10 points (went from 2680 to 2670).. and it turns out I had lost what I believe was 31 matches...
Don't think there will be any restitution, it's just sad that my lifetime stats are completely ruined. I'd rather they reset them after the beta is done at this point and I can just start fresh than having so many losses (lost a lot in the mew vmax fusion strike energy bug era too) chucked down to bugs.