[Bug] Lake Acuity
My opponent's water type pokemon received a 20 dmg reduction even though they had no energy attached.
downloaded for windows
Immediatley after singing in, the game just crashes. i've unistalled and reinstalled 3 times already.
Viewing Prize Cards softlock
If you do an attack that will result in you taking a prize card, quickly click on the prize cards before they auto appear, then the attack animations end resulting in the prize card area to appear, it vanishes and locks you, unable to do anything.
Regarding error code 10099
If error code 10099 means the app is in maintenance, when will the app be available?
Why dose it it freeze almost loaded and says address not available
Forest Seal Stone disappeared
Hi. I'm trying to create a new deck, but I can't find the forest seal stone grid. It is not among the trainer cards even if I select not owned in the filter. I have this card in my existing decks and play it, but I don't see it when creating. Thanks Mike
Amazing rare Rayquaza is bugged!
Amazing Rare Rayquaza is bugged on Live and the bug gives it more power than it should have. It’s attack is doing damage just for the number of energy discarded, not for the number of different types. This is broken, and has cost me a couple of games. In one, my opponent attached LLGP energy, but the attack did 320 instead…
Aerodactyal Vstar power broken..
When this is in play Genset V still has powers.. Unless im missing something here.. it should not
Bug? Decidueye Vs Regidrago Vstar
I think the game is registering the selected attack as coming from the Pokemon in the discard. Decidueye's ability should prevent all damage from v, Vstar, and VMAX. But for Regidrago vstar (and Mew VMAX) it doesn't seem to work. Everything I can find for rulings says it should prevent the damage but it's not.
Acerola's Premonition not playable when opponent's hand is empty.
As per the title, Acerola's Premonition can't be played when the opponent does not have any cards in their hand. This might seem like a niche issue, but Mimikyu VMAX requires that the card be played in order to use the stronger version of its Ominous Numbers.