Switched from TCG Online to Live Feedback
I may be missing this feature- but if not I highly recommend having a Basic Pokemon deck league and also still have some NPC characters to be able to battle as in the original TCG Online. I really miss being able to enjoy the more simple battles and decks with my children. Thanks!
If It Aint Broke Dont Fix It Meaning......
Why did i migrate all my decks over, and yet i see NONE OF MY AWESOME DECKS!!! And there is no going back SMH, i cant even see what was in my decks to try and rebuilt so now im stuck with one (DARKNESS) deck that i know is undefeatable but i miss ALL MY DECKS. Pokemon TCGO was great, i have been playing since 2016 and won…
pls fix this game, i really love it, but its full of bugs List of bugs in my games (it all happend once but it was in comp and i lost bc of this): escape rope didnt work, it just switched my pokemon but not opponents second power tablets werent activated bosses order switched opponents pokemon but then it returned first…
Colors on Aviator Sunglasses reset (consistent)
The colors on the Aviator Sunglasses item (250 gold) reset to a teal rim and black fully opaque glass. It does this after a seemingly random number of games between one and three, and fixes itself back to the right colors if you reset the game WITHOUT going into the glasses accessory menu and saving it. Aviators are my…
Visual bug when viewing card packs/decks in Battle Pass tier rewards or Ranked Mode ladder rewards
Tapping/clicking on a Battle Pass tier or Ranked Mode ladder reward to bring up the list of items that is given by that tier/rank, then tapping/clicking on a card pack in that window to view the drop rates or tapping/clicking on a deck in that window to view its contents, then backing out to the reward list, causes a…
Playing against a Mew VMax Deck, it froze midgame during Casual Match.
On a Casual Match, played a Mew VMax Deck, apparently still bugged. Opponent used Genesect V's ability "Fusion Strike System" and it now hangs with "Opponent is selecting cards from their hand." No fusion energy was played, only a single "Double Turbo Energy" attached to Mew VMax on bench.
Can't Select Card In Play
Was playing a ranked match and the other player played a Zeraora V to their bench after I knocked out their first Zeraora V. The game seemed to not register the second Zeraora V as "in play" or something, as I couldn't left or right click it despite being able to click other benched Pokemon. I played Boss's Order and it…
iPhone 8 Bug
Phone : iPhone 8 Software version : 15.6.1 When i won the game it is automatically closing game without any error. And if i spend to much time in Setting my Deck, checking cards. it also crashes.
Can't move damage counters
Getting real sick of not being able to move damage counters. Why is it once every 30 games or so I randomly can't move 1 last damage counter whether it be sableye or damage pump. Yet it's fine every other time. Yall have a serious amount of work to do before taking over ptcgo. Or do you not realize how much this could…
*BUGS and maybe feedback* Arceus and Other Pokemon
First bug encounter after playing it for 10hours. *Arceus' Trinity Charge is auto adding the energies to ITSELF while it supposed to be the pokemon that we CHOOSE. *And some wrong calculation on Pokemon whose skills are [Attack = Numbers x Energy] I got Exeggutor. Skill [Powerful Storm] 20x This attack does 20 damage for…