The Return of the Battle Pass Bug
With the previous patch I thought we were finally free of the Battle Pass Bug where after playing a game the Battle Pass becomes inaccessable until you exit the client. But lo and behold it has returned today! Why? No bloody clue, but it sure is annoying!
PTCGL had the perfect recipe from PTCGO so why didnt they copy it?
there are loads of bugs within cards in TCGL which works fine on TCGO so why didnt they implement the same data/coding or whatever, all they had to do was change visuals and graphics to make it modern, which they didn't succeed at either...
I am literally unable to play this game with my preferred deck on PC.
I made a modification of the Zacian & Zamazenta base deck, and now, in EVERY game I play on PC with it the game freezes when cards are drawn (usually on the first draw before the first turn). When the game freezes, I am still able to use the chat emotes and see responses from the opponent. After a while the idle timer…
Why is there a delete account button.
I would hate to lose all my cards because my six year old accidentally hit the button.
I went to exchange 1025 rainbow coins for zacian v star
I got an error and my coins were the same so i tried to exchange it again and then the game crashed when I got back in I had bought two zacian vstar when I needed only one
Quick Ball on TCGL wont let me pick a specific basic card
on one of my games I used quick ball to search out shadow rider V, which is a basic pokemon, surely enough he was there, but I couldnt choose that pokemon, i was able to select other basic pokemons but this V card it didnt allow me to, which costed me the game... plz fix
Feedback from a competitive player
Hi, I play competitively in the Pokemon TCG, and I think this client is not built for this need. In PTCGO, I can queue right now into the play section, and I will be paired with other players playing decks that are of similar skill expression, playing meta cards, and overall are generally really good at the game. I wish we…
Regarding battle pass rewards
So i just reached battle pass tier 25 and unlocked the new decks the game offers. I received the mew v max deck first and everything was fine. However when i tried to receive the Palkia V star deck it didn't give all the cards it offered. For example i already had a Palkia V before obtaining the reward and after receiving…
Bug card on top of each other
I just play an game and when i do Switch my pokemon, i got an bug, i had choose shifours to become active and the game showed me that, but in reality it's octilery was send and my shifours just become bugged, the game considers it active, but there is a conflict because below shifours is octilery. Here is a video proof in…
Display bug of the active Pokémon out of battle
Hi i just finish an game, i get an display bug my active Pokémon keep its combat form when looking at the card detail when it's not my turn.