Bug card on top of each other
I just play an game and when i do Switch my pokemon, i got an bug, i had choose shifours to become active and the game showed me that, but in reality it's octilery was send and my shifours just become bugged, the game considers it active, but there is a conflict because below shifours is octilery. Here is a video proof in…
Display bug of the active Pokémon out of battle
Hi i just finish an game, i get an display bug my active Pokémon keep its combat form when looking at the card detail when it's not my turn.
Are we going to be able to trade again?
No trading cards in this version? It's in the damn name of the game for god sake TRADING Card Game. And you launch it without the trading part? I sure do hope we will be able to trade in the future.
Fix error 10010 or dont "sunset" Pokemon TCGO.
Those of us that have been playing PTCGO in a different country with no issues cannot switch to Live until this issue is fixed. There has been no one even replying to the calls for help on this issue. There are definitely people from the U.S. stationed in countries like Japan who have been playing PTCGO without issue. Can…
Bug with Giratina V Abyss Seeking
Encountered a bug where after using Giratina V's Abyss Seeking, I was unable to select one of the four cards I drew, and was forced to pick a card I didn't want and send the card I did want into the lost zone
[Bug Report] Theory: Potentially Unlimited Losses After Canceling Matchmaking and Staying Logged In
Hello, I reproduced the ranked loss bug after canceling ranked matchmaking and was awarded a second loss after playing another match (even though I won the match). I now suspect that if you stay logged in and don't restart your client, the initial bug causes you to lose more matches automatically. This would explain my…
I can't play
Everytime it's my turn i can't select cards or anything the timer start running for my turn before i can even play.
Flower select not letting me select ironically
went to flower select, wasn't allowed to pick the first card, first option was sableye from LOR and second was ordinary rod if that changes anything
Feedback about current state of the game
I thought i would just leave my feedback after trying the game for a while. Some of this might be because i don't know the client enough but i would argue this would also indicate the client is not being as clear as it could be. Everything is based on the windows version of the game visuals -I think the game looks ok maybe…
Poor performance on Android
My phone isn't top of the line but I've played more demanding games that have better performance than this. Everything is laggy and pretty much in slow motion. A digital card game shouldn't be so demanding that happens. We need a low resolution mode or a fix. It's unplayable in its current state for me. So far I'm…