I’ve got a theory- hear me out
So there are two awful bugs that are taxing us all at the moment. The first is the random disappearance of points from the ladder. I’ve lost three big whacks of points- 140, then 200 and 80 last night. the other bug is the time-out bug where the other players game never even loads and they “concede”. I’m wondering if the…
Fusion Strike Energy x Neutralizing Gas (Galarian Weezing)
Galarian Weezing has the following ability "Neutralizing Gas: As long as this Pokémon is in the Active Spot, your opponent’s Pokémon in play have no Abilities, except for Neutralizing Gas." If I attach a Fusion Strike Energy to a Genesect V, it should prevent the effects of that ability to the Pokémon, allowing it to use…
Bug with Florges Rapid Strike
When I use Rapid Strike Connection ability, there's been a handful of issues. You're given a split second to click Done for the ability, it's glitches to where the active pokemon I was attaching energy through the ability will go to my hand, and it gave Florges a 2nd tool attached... is this the right spot to put bugs?
Massive game-loss bug
Just had a ranked match that ended in the opponent conceding, and afterwards awarded 500 xp (which seemed very odd to me). Upon further investigation, my account magically accrued exactly 500 additional losses, ruining my 70% win rate and more importantly tanking my ranked MMR so low that I am now only matched against…
How are stat records maintained in PTCGL?
I recently started playing the game. I haven't yet played more than 20 games on PTCGL, but when I went to check my stats, it is showing 48 games played. How is this even possible?
Opponent's timer ran out bug
Opponent went first, played normally. I took my turn. Opponent began attacking with the Arceus V move to add energy to Charizard Vstar. He attached 1 energy in this way and then sat at that state for the rest of the game. Screenshots below. No i'll probably get hit with a loss after I close out the app. I've also submitted…
Sky Seal Stone Still Broken
I've used Sky Seal Stone and KO'd a Mew Vmax twice over two games now and only taken 3 prizes. Not sure if this is because of the Fusion Energy, but SSS is an effect on the player not the pokemon so FS energy shouldn't stop it.
Dubwool V only taking 30 damage instead of reducing by 30 damage?
I had a Snorlax with Body Slam 100 damage, against DubwoolV. It's ability says "this pokémon takes 30 less damage from attacks"....but my snorlax only did 30 damage instead of 70! There were no items on either pokémon. Is there some reason this didn't work? Is this a glitch? PS there's no tags it will let me put on my…
Bug on daily quest time
Hi ! I completed my daily quests yesterday but my timer now is stuck like this ? Anyone with this problem know how to fix ?
Mew vmax cross fusion strike broken
I was playing against mew with sander wojcik’s control deck and I had miltank in active and they cross fusion strike to a benched mew’s max miracle and it still does 130. There were no canceling cologne played