[Suggestion] Option to Turn Off Player Animations
Could we please have an option to turn off player animations? Some players are toxic with their emotes, spamming them, and a majority of the animations just come across as really rude/smug. Other games with online matchups include the option for players to turn off these types of animations/mute other players for a more…
Cannot search with "ball" cards (Bug)
Opponent's avatar missing clothes eyes, and everything, except for skin color (Bug)
Hi all, i can't see battle pass (pass lotta) it says that the functionality isn't available. I need to re-start the game to see battle pass. did anyone get that issue? Hi @OwLess, Thank you for sharing your feedback. I edited your post as posting images on the forum is not allowed. If you ever have images you'd like to…
Radiant greninja game freez / we need a game log
When using Greninja's ability the game stopped accepting inputs and would not let me choose an energy to use its ability. Greninja remained floating there until my turned eventually auto passed. Going into my next turn I could not promote greninja active or use its ability, it just remained floating up there...menacingly.…
Frozen games
2 frozen games in a row this morning...other having the same issues??
slowking v banned
hi, is slowking v banned from official tournament play or just pokemon live because they can't make it work through the computer?
BUG | Can’t get 1 more prize by using the Sky Seal Stone
Hi Pokémon staff, I want to report a bug on live. I used the Drapion V to knock out the Mew VMAX and used the ability of the Sky Seal Stone but only get 3 prize, equals to what I should get from the Mew only and the extra one was skipped. I also tested it on online and it works. I got 4 finally. Please check if this is bug…
One controversial concern I have...
Just a note before the topic at hand, I have been having more fun than I thought transitioning from PTCGO to PTCGL. I find the change of style refreshing, like the new board layout and mood hyping music. Its nice that I kept my old collection moving forward. I also enjoy the idea of purchasing singles through the game's…
Bug with Manaphy/Raikou
Game won't allow me to continue if Manaphy is the active and I try to kill it with Amazing Shot. Here's the screenshot for reference. I cannot interact with the token but it's trying to let me, my clock isn't running so I can't time out, opponent refused to concede and I am also stubborn sooooo...