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Can´t play custom decks at all because of bugs

I want to play my own decks that I´ve created but that seems to be impossible because almost everytime one of these bugs appear:

When using search item the cards are invisible and you cannot pick any

One of the cards come in hand backwards and you cannot use that

While drawing a card or many cards gets stuck in the air causing everything to freeze and you to instalose.

Is that issue with some specific cards? I´ve tried to do some changes to decks but that still seems to happen like 50% of the games I play so basically I cannot play this game at all. I. CANNOT. PLAY. THIS. GAME.AT.ALL!!?? My W/L ratio is screwed now because of this since I´ve lost like 30 games in a row because it wont let me play. I should get those losses annulled since that is purely bad designs fault!

I really want to play this game but it is so sad that it seems to be impossible. You hear me, playing_is_impossible_because_of_these_bugs!!?? So is there ANY fix to that???


  • deevoh
    deevoh Member Posts: 18
    10 Comments 5 Agrees

    Yes i had to waste a game and forfeit because i couldnt even draw a card and the animation was idle.. Its so irritating . They need to compensate for their stupidity.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 500 Likes 500 Agrees 250 LOLs

    Same issue here, most of my standard imported decks are unplayable...

    I belive its because same specific cards, but how can we know witch cards break the deck??? Without try/fail testing and keep losing with so many decks???

    Come on Pokémon TCG Live team at list give us a list of unplayable cards or disable them in game.

    Losing the joy of playing this game...