Lake of acuity bug

I just played a game and noticed that my opponent's lake of acuity stadium was giving them the damage-decreasing buff on all of their water type pokemon and not just their cards with water type energy attached. Just reporting so it can be fixed.
I want to add more details to this bug. It appears that it only applies when a water pokemon has other water-type cards attached to it. This can be either a water energy or another water pokemon in the form of a pre-evolution.
A basic water pokemon with no other water-type cards attached will not receive the damage reduction. However, an evolution water pokemon, even one without energy attached, will receive the damage reduction because the water type pre-evolutions count as attached water cards.
The image below shows this in action. As you can see, the basic Suicune V on the opponent's side don't have the buff. However, the stage 2 Ludicolo does because the basic Lotad attached to it is a water-type card. This is also why the Lombre gets the buff.
On my side of the field, Radiant Tsareena and Manaphy do not have the Lake Acuity buff because they have no attached water-type cards -- the buffs displayed for them are from Manaphy's ability.