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Zeraora Vmax bug

I experienced a weird situation today, and I think it would count as a bug (unless there's some weird rule I don't know about).

The situation is this: I have my Zeraora Vmax in the active spot. My oppenent has a Cinncino with Trade ability in the active, and 4 pokemon on the bench, among which is a Radiant Jirachi also with an ability. My Zeraora Vmax's first attack; Reactive Pulse says: "This attack does 60 damage for each of your opponent's Pokemon in play that have an ability." Therefore it should do 120 (Cinncino + Jirachi) and knock out the Cinncino which has 90HP. Yet the attack only did 60. Next turn I tried again, my opponent had retreated the Cinncino so both pokemon were on the bench. It still only indicated 60 damage. I chose to do the other attack.

Much later in the match, when only the Jirachi was left, the damage indicated 0. This looks like it didn't take the Radiant Jirachi into account at all, even though it has an ability. Nowhere is it indicated that Radiant pokemon don't count for this attack, so it seems like a major bug.


  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Agrees 25 Likes

    That's not a bug. The stadium Path to the peak removes Jirachi's ability, reducing your damage.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Agrees 25 Likes

    The stadium Path to the peak is on the field, it reads "Pokémon with a rule box have no abilities", and because Jirachi has the "radiant rule" rule box, path to the peak removing its ability means that only Cinccino has an ability on your opponent's board.