Win streak/battle pass progression
Win streak bug? I was on a 23 win streak on ranked with no d/c but my stats show 19 win and 4 losses. Does canceling a ranked match B4 it starts cause a loss? Also isn't a longer win streak suppose to gain more points for the battle pass? I'm barely getting any? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
After Winning a match or playing a match BattlePass Becomes unavailable
Restarting the game solves this issue... Please Fix this Also, There was this one incident where I was stuck on the main screen when I skipped the tutorial strange nothing was clickable but restarting the game fortunately fixed that...
Feature Needed: Confirm Prompt on Window Close (very important)
For those of us that play in Windowed mode, it would be a great benefit if there was a "Confirm" prompt when clicking the "X" in the top right corner of the windowed screen (if not just expected like any other desktop application). I cannot tell you how many times I've tried to click the ellipses and clicked the X instead,…
Unable to select cards from deck after playing a trainer like Fog Crystal
Hi, When either playing ranked or casual games I'm unable to select cards from my deck after either playing a trainer card that allows me to search for a card or an ability on a Pokemon. I simple get a no cards available message. This worked earlier today and then the glitch started. I'm playing on Windows. Any help would…
logged in on another device so this one has been disconnected
I got this message after being idle for a while. Misleading .. I was not logged in anywhere else.
Kyogre Dynamic wave doesnt work
Dynamic wave allows you to place 180 damage on a target. You can do this, but the target will not die. In my last game I put 180 damage on a pokemon with 70 hp. It did not die. When I hit it again the damage was cleared and a new counter was put on, which also did not work.
Card Availability
Hello, so I was looking to create a deck for expanded and realized I don't have computer research or scoop up cyclone in my inventory. Is there a way to get these cards in my inventory or did I lose them when I migrated?
How can we report other players in Pokemon TCG LIVE
I havent seen the option to report players in pokemon TCG live. This is a must to avoid players like the one I took a picture of, that when loosing they stall the game for 20+ minutes to make you resign or waste your time. Look at his clock
Bug: Silver Tempest Gardevoir cannot use ability after evolving
If you use Silver Tempest Kirlia's ability then evolve into Silver Tempest Gardevoir, you cannot use Gardevoir's ability. You should be able to use Gardevoir's ability after evolving, even if you used Kirlia's ability before evovling
Kyogre Damage doest count
Basic Kyogre 140PS Attack Dynamic Wave (4 energy) Does 180 damage to 1 of your opponent pokemon, but the damage is not computed, even if the pokemon has less than 180PS, de counters stay on the pokemon but is never knocked out.