Game cannot handle actions during animations

Multiple examples of the title:
1) I tried to attach an energy to my active Arceus V during the animation of my Giratina V evolving into Giratina Vstar, and caused a lot of weird effects. The energy was not attached, the game became unresponsive for 5-10 seconds, after regaining control it didn't allow me to play any cards from my hand. Attempting to retreat the Arceus gave me the ability to use cards from my hand back but left the Arceus V floating on the active without moving to the bench or losing the energy, the card remained floating there until i evolved it into an Arceus Vstar, which made my game works as normal again.
2) Closing a tab, like the lost zone or discard pile, at the same time your opponent attaches an energy from the discard pile with something like Raihan or Dark patch makes the game unresponsive for 5-10 seconds, after that the energy attached will look like a rainbow and keep glowing until you click on any card. This is not new; it has been a thing for a year.
3) Like i mentioned in a post before, if a player is using Gardevoir ex's Psychic embrace ability and the opponent concedes during the attach/damage animation, the game becomes unresponsive for the gardevoir player until they either concede or close the app.
I believe these three bugs are related and possibly caused by the same problem.