Electricity Generator
Posting a confirmed bug from one of my matches after verifying with an IRL judge that it was a legal operation: I was unable to play electricity generator from hand, when I had less than 5 cards remaining in deck (I had 2 electricity generators in hand). I was playing from iPhone. I’m not sure how many energies were in…
this forum isnt very good at editing comments
If I edit a comment on this forum, It doesn't show instantly that I have edited it and shows the same message as before. or sometimes doesn't show any message at all initially, I enter edited message, nothing shows up at all, I go back to previous page in forum, come back into the discussion and the comment I typed is back…
Giga Magnet Getting "stuck"
this screenshot is during the opponents turn I used giga magnet to search for energy, it went up to that spot and then froze kinda, still had the hovering animation and then the timer counted down to zero (couldnt see it but it then it became my opponents turn). Came back to my turn everything was normal again I could…
Timer running all the way out
During a match the timer will continue to run without forcing the other player to make a move, or else their turn ends. Several times now, I've seen the timer go from 20 min to 0. When it gets to zero, nothing happens. I only play ranked, so it's frustrating when I can't finish games and lose elo this way
Lucario Avenging Knuckle
Lately my opponents have used midnight shuriken, to knockout my benched fighting Pokémon and my random attributed Pokémon for me to not receive lucario boosted attacked. Correct me if I’m wrong but the literature on the avenging knuckle states “any fighting Pokémon knocked out by damage” , so with those two knockouts by…
Flower Selecting and Colress's Experiment Bug
Sometimes when using the ability of Comfey's Flower Selecting, one card can't be select or drag to choose box. Same happening when you so use Colress's Experiment.
Animation is Slow
The animation is really unpleasant and feels labored. Every action on the board is agonizingly slow to watch. The latest release at least doesn't make my laptop fan kick on as much (still drains the battery quickly). The only time in the game I've seen the animation be snappy is when after a person wins and does their…
Card did not attack
It was my turn with Dialga VStar and I went to use the VStar power - Time started winding down and was at 10 seconds when I clicked. Immediately after clicking - no attack occurred and the other player started their turn and the Card was still hovering to the right. V1.4.0.171699.20230310_0200 macOS Big Sur
First Card Chosen on my Behalf
Was playing a Luna/Solrock and I had at least 2 different basic pokemon to choose from and the game decided I needed to start with Solrock rather than Luna. I cannot recall if I chose the coin flip - I believe I was going 2nd. I am on macOS Big Sur. V1.4.0.171699.20230310_0200 (Also you should make the version number…
TCG Live windows app STILL not working
TCG Live Windows app still not working, getting error "No network connection found". If you think i am using a DNS server and using CMD to fix your issue, you can think again. Has been 3 weeks since I emailed previously and they said "We are aware of this issue, which is under investigation. While we hope to resolve this…