My card bugged out and I couldn't attack.
I was using the inteleon and decidueye deck you start with and had a rowlet as the active pokemon and a decidueye I had in the bench that I had used rare candy to evolve, in my opponents turn rowlett gets knocked out and I go to switch in my decidueye, problem is the rowlett card never left but my decidueye card still went…
Matchmaking Issue
Till yesterday I had no problems finding a random match for Casual or Competitive.. Today no match can be found.. Anyone with the same problem?
Path to the peak is bugged
it says it disables abilities of pokemons with a rule box, but my radiant charizard cant use its ability despite my opponent having take 4 prizes and i have a fire energy attached. the ability works with i removed the stadium, but whenever path to the peak was in play i couldnt use my ability
Urshifu vs. V Guard Energy
Against a Pokemon with V Guard Energy attached, Urshifu loses the 30 base damage BUT ALSO loses 30 damage from the additional 120 for Gale Thrust. This is a huge glitch and needs to be corrected since it is reducing by 60 instead of 30.
Magnezone's Giga Magnet ability unaffected by Klefki's Mischevious Lock
Was playtesting a Banette EX deck, oppenent was playing a Dialga turbo deck and I opened the game with Klefki in the active. By turn two I still have klefki in the active and on his turn 2 he uses rare candy to evolve to magnezone and immediately uses gigamagnet and gets 4 energy off the top and instantly charges dialga. I…
Audio bug with metal Pokemon (Desktop)
I noticed an annoying bug with the desktop client. I have music and sound effects turned all the way down in the sound options. Whenever my opponent plays a metal Pokemon the sound effect that goes along with the field animation will play. Just really annoying since I have all sound turned down so I can play music in a…
Card selections not sufficiently revealed to opponent when recovering cards from discard
Cards such as Klara, energy recycler, pal pad, and Miriam don't adequately reveal the selected cards to the opponent when used. This results in a lack of information the player is supposed to have access to when these cards are played. The chosen cards should be displayed so the opponent can see.
cant use star order on the sky steal stone
idk why but I have the sky steal stone on a gardevoir ex and I cant even play it
Psychic embrace gets stuck and can't play
Sometimes when you use the Gardevoir ex's Psychic embrace the game gets stucked and I can't do anything. I'm playing on a PC. It has happened other times to me so I decided to report it.
Unable to view the lost zone when selecting a new active pokemon.
Just as the title says. When required to select a new active pokemon the player is unable to view the lost zone. This is information the player should have access to.