the game is a big mess and unplayable on pc/laptop
the game is a big mess. the card are very blurry. it gets stuck on many things like tutorials, battle pass or even the lobby, or deck modifyer, and matches. (buying?) in matches against opponents. (like cards getting stuck in mid air, or you can't select cards if you are playing quick ball cus the card are black and can't…
Oricorio damage reduction issue
I had a ranked game a while back playing a Hisuian Zoroark deck against a Mew deck. They had a Oricorio on their bench and I understand that let's their Pokémon, as long as it's a Fusion Strike, reduces 20 damage from attacks. This shouldn't affect damage counters, poision, etc, Only attacks from my Pokémon. I had a…
Rank score wins one game -100 points
I played all afternoon, and after many victories, my rank decreased. I couldn't check the records, and I decreased from 900+points to 620!!!! I have had a lot of failures, and if they were real failures, I would no longer have a score
Secret Rare Energy Retrieval
Currently it seems that it only allows you to use it if you have 2 basic energies in your discard. And.... it only recovers 1... 100% bugged Errata retrieval works as usual, just the Ancient Origins one is bugged.
Game froze when using forest seal stone
Playing in ranked, on first turn going first I attached forest seal stone to genesect V used the vstar power and when attempting to select a card I was met with this screen, and no timer brought me out of the screen. I had to force reboot. Game took place 5 minutes ago on iPhone 13 Pro
They should add a combat logue.
So that after every game you can go back and see every move made every turn. Look at any online chess game for instance, there is a logue of every move made you can look back on to see what happened. Would be very nice if Live had something similar.
Migrated cards don't work properly!
So I'm having an issue with my decks after I migrated from PTCGO. Any cards that search the deck or discard pile, like VIP pass, aroma, great ball etc, and that I brought over from PTCGO, make it so I can't select any cards. There is just a dark shadow, and the number of cards of that type in the deck. This makes any new…
Gamebreaking Bug with Battle VIP Pass
On my first turn of the game going second, I played my first card of the game, a Battle VIP Pass from my hand, and it just sat there in the play area doing nothing. For an entire minute I sat there looking at it without being able to do a deck search or play any other cards, and then the game moved onto my opponent's turn…
Irida locked up board state
I played irida from my hand and could only select valid or all.
Power tablet issue
It is hard to see in this image. However when playing this match, I used power tablet, and it got stuck in that position, and locked my hand. I had to wait for a timer to switch to the opponents turn. Once on my turn again when I played item cards the new item cards would appear in the same spot as the stuck power tablet…