Daily Quest Timers
These timers never display any actual time. Quests do arrive daily eventually, but once complete, screen reverts to the above.
Game bugged and I lost 240 rank points
This has happened a lot in the past and I thought it got fixed, unfortunately it happened again today. I don't know why this keeps happening, played all day today to get to 1000, and I am back from 960 to 720 because of it. Is this happening only to me? Also, I had a win streak of 4-5, and it always drops to 0 after the…
Unable to select energy to Retreat
Numerous times and for different Pokémon I have been unable to select the energy to use to retreat them and had to wait for the time out. The game then selects energy for me rather than letting me choose. If I try to select on it kinda jiggles but doesn’t also me to move it into the selection box
Ladder Point missing120 point when started new game
Hi Sir I would like to seek your help regarding my point from 740 out of sudden when new game it drop to 600 and my winning streak gone in sudden. I so hard working raise to Great League Houdoom. PS: Hope for your kind assistance
Can't login
On my samsung galaxy it wont let me login in never gets passed logging me in but it works on my sisters a51 so idk what going on for if there's a way around it
a lot of bugs
Hi, Here some screens about bugs : Very often, I can't select cards... So I loose ranking for no reason... Here, my screen is frozen and don't reacting... Nom du système d’exploitation Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel Version 10.0.19044 Numéro 19044 Autre description du système d’exploitation Non disponible Fabricant du…
The servers seem to be completely messed up
Every single game is freezing now. The game is unplayable. @TPCi_CursedSoup We need emergency maintenance immediately.
Match is hung before starting
has "Waiting for MesterHugo" on the screen, and hasn't moved on It has been 10 minutes.
Not Loading.
Is anyone else having a problem getting past the language screen?
login error
need help in malaysia i can login after travel to vietname it cant login i try uninstall the game and install back still same omg.....need help