PTCG Live needs an Advanced mode
It's pretty clear from playing Live as compared to PTCGO that the developers were aiming for the younger audience and also beginner players. From the focus on avatar customization, to the excessive and flashy animations, the very bright colors overall, and the endless prompts during gameplay - it's reaching for the young…
Bug on Giratina V Abyss seeking
When using Abyss seeking, I am presented with four cards to select two from to put into my hand. However, only one combination of two of the four presented cards are selectable to be put into my hand - which seems to be predetermined by the game. The other 5 combinations of 2 cards are not selectable.
Resolution Options for PC & Mobile
PC: Needs an Option for 4K Resolution. FPS Unlocker if Possible. iPad/iOS: Looks VERY Low Res on all models of iPhone and iPad. Tablets should have Horizontal Mode Option. I genuinely wonder if the Devs even look in these forums or even care. Its been unaddressed for way too long.
Game freezes when using Underworld Door
This happens all the time. Anybody else?
Game keeps soft locking, HOW TO REPORT PLAYER?
This now happened on multiple occurrences, where I am using psychic embrace, usually for the win, and my opponent emotes then does something to where I can no longer end psychic embrace and continue attacking. How I report these players for this behavior? Also can we make this a bug fix? since Gardevoir ex is a meta deck…
Nest ball bug
There have been several games where nest ball will not select certain Pokemon (Comfey and Miraidon ex) but will select others that I tend to not need.
Attacks fill screen when card enlarged
Also happened once without having a card enlarged but didn't get a screenshot
Is the game even playable at this point?
Unable to use Forest Seal vstar ability
I was recently in a match where I had the Forest Seal Stone attached to a Miraidon ex, and for some reason it just would not show an option to use that ability at all. The miraidon was on the bench, i checked for global status that would prevent using it but could find nothing. I had not used any other vstar ability in…
Boss's Orders not working as intended
This is the second time this issue has occurred and I was not able to find any similar posts so I decided to report this issue. As you can see in the image, all of my opponents pokemon have an arrow to allow me to use Boss's Orders on them except for Zacian V. I was not able to look at the Zacian V or move it freely like I…