Stacked basic pokemon on setup turn

Had a weird bug show up when playing first basic pokemon during setup phase. Had a charmander and ho-oh in my hand.
With charmander on the farthest left spot and ho-oh to the right of it, I tried to play ho-oh. When I did both cards went to the active spot.
It had ho-oh on top but with only 70 hp. I could not click on it what so ever. I could attach energy but that was it. Once it was knocked out ho-oh was discarded and it counted as a charmander knockout.
Hi @Vinsanity_52, thank you for reporting this issue. We recommend reaching out to our support team with any relevant details, including screenshots if possible. They’ll be able to investigate further and assist you. To submit a ticket, please go to, select the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and click "Contact Us". Thanks!