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Quaquaval ex vs Rocky Helmet

As of 20 Jul 2023, the interaction between Quaquaval ex and Rocky Helmet is still problematic. For example, when Quaquaval ex attacked (with Exciting Dance) a Pokemon with Rocky Helmet attached, when Quaquaval ex switched itself with a Benched Pokemon, it DOES NOT receive 2 damage counters from Rocky Helmet ! This does not seem to be correct ? Or am I missing something ?


  • PachirisuFan1
    PachirisuFan1 Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
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    It might be because it's no longer in the active spot, and therefore the effect is no longer being flagged, because the pokemon it's attached to has to be in the active spot and Quaquaval forces it out. I'm not sure you could use this loophole in tournaments IRL, however.

  • VmaxSkittlez
    VmaxSkittlez Member Posts: 45 ✭✭
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes

    The 60 damage is placed on the defending pokemon with the Rocky Helmet, but, the effect of Quaquaval ex's attack takes place before Rocky Helmet does.

    So both pokemon are no longer in the active for Rocky Helmet to take effect.

    Google: pokemon tcg attack steps

    See: Steps G6 - I

  • YouYongWuMou
    YouYongWuMou Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments First Anniversary Photogenic

    OK, but if the above 2 comments are correct, then the effect is being applied inconsistently. I just played against Regieleki V, when it attacked (with Switching Bolt) a Pokemon with Rocky Helmet attached, it DOES receive 2 damage counters from Rocky Helmet ! This make me suspect the programming on Quaquaval ex is still buggy.

  • VmaxSkittlez
    VmaxSkittlez Member Posts: 45 ✭✭
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    Did the attacking Regieleki V receive the damage or its replacement?

  • YouYongWuMou
    YouYongWuMou Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments First Anniversary Photogenic

    The attacking Regieleki V switched itself with a benched Pokemon, then received the 2 damage counters. I believe the sequence is important, because that was also supposed to happen to Quaquaval ex, but it didn't.

  • VmaxSkittlez
    VmaxSkittlez Member Posts: 45 ✭✭
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes

    So the new active received the 2 damage counts. Which is correct. Because the effect of the attack takes place before that of the Tool card. With Quaquaval ex, the effect of it's attack is resolved (switching both pokemon from the active spot) before the tool card can resolve. Since it is now on the bench, it can't do any damage.

  • YouYongWuMou
    YouYongWuMou Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments First Anniversary Photogenic

    Ah, I think my last comment was mis-leading. I mean, the attacking Regieleki V switched itself with a benched Pokemon, then Regieleki V itself received the 2 damage counters, not the new Active Pokemon. That is why I said I believed the sequence was important