Dear Pokemon TCG Support Team! Whenever I play a Trainer card in the game, it gets stuck in a loop of timer countdown. Once the timer reaches zero, my or my opponent's turn ends, but the timer resets, and the loop continues endlessly. This frustrating situation leaves me with no choice but to concede the game.…
Game still freezes
I had heard this was purely an issue when using or being put up against Mew vmax, but I was running a usual game of my Miraidon lightning box against lost box. I was down to last prize, and selected Boss' orders to get my final target (Radiant Greninja). As soon as I play down the card, the game freezes, but my timer keeps…
Switch cart bug out comfey
I have Comfey on the Active, and Charmander, Cramorant, Comfey, Greninja on the bench. After using 'flower selecting', I use Switch Cart to switch out the active Comfey with another one, and the animation got stucked in the middle and does not resolve. I was able to click on everything else, check discard pile, lost zone,…
Pokemon no rule box/Path to the peak bug
radiant jirachi is a basic pokemon and has no rule box, yet i am completely unable to use its ability when Path to the Peak is placed. Anybody else? This has gotta get fixed
Hello, wanted to post this here to have some clarification and report that Glimmora ex ability still continues to have effects even when path to the peak is in play. I believe this to be a glitch and should be looked into asap as that disruption is not fair balanced. Thanks
How fix this error
When I log in into my Pokemon tcg live at printing cards 36/39 then there is always an error what use is ver 1.70 in a Iphone 6 s ios 15.7.8. Can anyone please help me
Is there a way to fix this timer problem?
I just came from a game where I was waiting for my opponent to flip their coin and decide who goes first. My opponent had to redraw their hand and set up their field. It was my turn to play my basic Pokemon in the active zone, I was immediately set on a timer. The game forced my choice on which basic Pokemon I wanted to…
Charizard EX (Tera-Hyper Rare) from Battle Pass Tier 05 booster packs not in deck builder
I obtained one Charizard EX (Tera-Hyper Rare) from Battle Pass Tier 05 booster packs. But after claiming all the cards, I can not find the card in my deck builder afterward. Whereas the Basic Entei I got from the bunch is still there in the deck builder. I feel so bad, my luck clicked this time but this is outrageous. If…
Please make ranked ladder current legal standard format
I'm sure there are bigger issues to deal with at the moment, so I doubt this will get much of an official response if any, but it would be really nice if the ranked ladder didn't allow new sets to be used until they are officially standard legal. I do pretty much all of my deck testing and practice for tournaments on PTCGL…
Genesect drawing under Spiritomb lock
I saw a lot of Spiritomb (PE89) using Fetters of Misfortune at worlds to shut down Genesect V's Fusion Strike System, but Genesect was still able to use the ability on Live while I had a Spiritomb on the board. Would submit a game log but this client doesn't seem to have those :(