Update the Visuals. The game looks like the doordash home page.
I dont get it. Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise in existence, yet PTCG Live looks like something from coolmathgames. Where did the resources go? Into exec's pockets? The art direction of the main menu and arena looks so out of place. Are we playing tcg in a covenant Spaceship? Is this set in the world of Halo? The…
A very annoying bug
So this bug is very annoying. All I did was I started a new match and I clicked on the opponents card to look at it, then I couldn't click out or exit making me immobile and I had to force quit the app. This pissed me off because I gave a dude a free win. Come on PTCG live this is unacceptable.
Can't Get a Match Right Now
I can't find a match in Live right now. Pretty sure I'm not the only person looking to play right now, so I assume it is either a server issue or problem with Live.
How come my 15 levels say “redeemed” when I have nothing of what it says was redeemed?
I spent all my crystals to redeem 15 levels of the new set. Tried to redeem the 15 tiers and said “error try again later.” I played a match and went back to the rewards tab after the match and it said everything was redeemed; but nothing shows up in my collection that was redeemed?… Never doing that again.
Pb Chromebook
Bonjour à tous, Je joue habituellement sur Chromebook et depuis un certain temps je ne peux pas me connecter et inscrire mon username et password au lancement de l'application car au moment où la mire de connexion s'affiche, les espaces d'inscription ne sont pas visibles. Quelqu'un rencontre t il ce problème ?
Pelipper Hearsay
Pelipper's hearsay ability doesn't reveal the supporter card when an opponent chooses to search their deck for it - it simply goes to their hand. I know I'm not mistaking this for the other option to take one from the discard pile because the game displays the "opponent is selecting cards from their deck" message.
Can't login. Error 10010
Hi. I just download a fresh version of POKÉMON TCG LIVE. Can't login because of Error 10010. Please help.
toedscruel ex
the card is bugged i can attach for 280 even if my pokemon don't have energy on the bench
How to see the Sun & Moon cards?
According to the change log, Sun & Moon era cards & boosters should be available in the ingame shop starting today / yesterday. However I can't see them, thoses expansions don't show up.
Randomly unable to select anything
I'm not sure why this is the case, but every so often I will be unable to select cards for various situations. Whether it's searching through my deck, retreating my Active Pokemon, selecting cards from my hand, etc., the game will freeze and leave me completely helpless. However, the time will still tick normally so I…