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Hisuian Arcanine Bug

It won't let me attack. The opponents have done nothing to stop me from attacking. Please fix this bug.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    You see those red and green arrows? They're status arrows which can tell you if there are any effects on your Pokémon. You should check them first before assuming a bug. You should also show your entire board.

    It's also possible you just clicked in the middle of an animation. In that case, just clicking away from the card, waiting a couple of seconds and trying again will fix it.

  • Lunarnors
    Lunarnors Member Posts: 6
    First Anniversary First Comment

    Top card of your discard pile is Geeta, if you played that this turn you can't attack