Coin Flip Bug - see results prior to flip
During my last match, my opponent had Ambipom with Primate Dexterity ability in play, so they got to flip after I attacked to determine if damage was applied. I noticed that before I selected my Lunatone's Moon Kinesis attack, my attack showed 0. They ended up getting heads, and I was able to pre-determine the results of…
Disrespectful opponent
User wiomards was constantly spamming the emote buttons, there should be punishment for this or a way to mute an opponent completely
Miraidon ex tandem unit unable to activate
I can't activate my Miraidon ex's tandem unit in my following turns, except my first turn.
The app scammed me out of packs?
I redeemed 10 booster codes, and while redeeming I got an error code and I didn't get to open the packs. There are no new cards in my collection and my codes can no longer be used. This is just sad. I was excited to open some packs but I guess I can't have nice things. I honestly think Pokemon should credit my account with…
Unable to use Trekking Shoes with two cards left in deck
I recently lost a match in which I had two cards left in my deck, both of which I knew and either of which would have secured a win. I had a Trekking Shoes in hand, which could have gotten either card, but the game wouldn't allow me to play it. I understand why I might not be able to use a Trekking Shoes with only one card…
What happened to my redeemed cards?
Well, tried to open my 4 booster packs from Twitch drop just now and after I clicked "collect" button to open those packs - BANG! Game as usual, froze (no response) and I was forced to close it down after a minute or two. Logged back in again and I do not have a clue what I just dropped from those boosters or if I even…
Are vstar powers blocked by path?
Just had a match against lost deck giratina.. they played path to the peak and then used their Vpower to insta KO. Shouldnt that be blocked?
[SUGGESTION] Dismantle/Trade Away button
After playing Arena, Master Duel, Hearthstone and Live; I can say without a doubt that live has the worst economy out of the 3 by far. This all comes down to the fact that you cannot dismantle cards you do not want. Opening packs feels bad because you can't dismantle pulls, Crafting cards feels bad because you can't…
Redeeming Newsletter email code failed, now it can't be redeemed
Hello, I checked my mail this morning and I got an email "🔥Scarlet & Violet—Obsidian Flames Is Here!🔥" and in it was a code for 3 OBF packs. However when I tried to redeem them in game it took forever, and gave me an error code along the lines of "2- Task Cancelled". And trying to redeem the code again it says I have…
Inteleon vmax vs duraludon vmax
I know there was some discussion about this a while back but I can't remember the outcome. Is inteleon vmax able to attack duraludon with a rapid strike energy since its removing the energy to boost damage? If not then it's still bugged.