Retreat Glitch
Was trying to retreat a Gardevoir with 2 psychic energy and 1 reversal energy on, but it wouldn't let me put an energy in the slot at all. When the timer was up the game chose for me, and it chose reversal energy instead of the 2 psychic I needed in my discard in order to win. No idea what caused it this.
Suggestion: Normalize xp rewards for winning or make a window where the opponent cannot concede.
Hi there, I'm having a lot of fun playing this game, but one thing I noticed is that you get more xp rewards the more price cards you have taken. The problem is when I am about to knock out an opponents big pokemon for a lot of prize cards and the win, and the opponent just leaves before I can finish the attack. Since they…
maintenance at login
anyone else ?
I was testing a Kingambit/Inteleon deck when i came across an error/glitch. Oricorios "Lesson in Zeal" reads "All of your Fusion Strike Pokémon take 20 less damage from attacks from your opponent's Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance). You can't apply more than 1 Lesson in Zeal Ability at a time." and when i…
Why are my cards from the old tcg not in live?
I maybe late to join the bandwagon but I decided that i should download tcg live and play it. When I started, I pressed the migration option and it said it was successful. After skipping the tutorial, I can’t find my old cards? Maybe I missed something or maybe i’m just dumb but I really need help.
Cards missing from the game
Cards from the various trainer kit half-decks that had their own sets are missing from the deck constructor. Attempting to import one of these cards using a ptcgo export brings up import errors such as 2 Pikachu Libre TK-PikachuLibre 14 Invalid Energy Name *1 Lycanroc TK-Lycanroc 16 Invalid Energy Name Will people that…
Can't seem to post comments
Whenever I want to react to a comment and quote said comment, my comment doesn't get posted. If I go back to that topic by comment is still in draft form. But I clicked post comment so how is it still in draft?
Might of figured out crashing issue?
Doing some research my iPad might be a bit to old to run the game and that’s why it keeps crashing however if u go to there requirements for the game for minimum for iPhone is a iPhone 8 with the operating system to be at least iOS 11.2 where my iPhone 8 is iOS 16.6 and it crashes just like my iPad does and before anyone…
This game is going to die with this client
So after the news that PTCGO will not be getting any new cards I decided that I would finally migrate my account over and play on the new client. I had already played PTCGL and knew that there were bugs and other problems. But oh man... I am currently completely unable to play the game. When starting a match the game…
the diancie's ability princess's curtain is useless
opponent can use the boss order to catch my bench pokemon when the diancie are in active spot