Can't select options when searching through deck
I used Colress's Tenacity, and I was unable to select a stadium. I had 3 area zero under depths in my deck, but they were shown as just a shadow, with no visible card. The 3 was indicated underneath, but I was unable to click and drag it into my hand. I had energy that I was able to move into my hand. This cost me my game,…
Segnalo un bug, gli attacchi delle eevoluzioni teracristal possono essere usate ogni turno
Allestimento Fylomega ha scelto croce per il lancio della moneta iniziale. skeboosh ha vinto il lancio della moneta. skeboosh ha deciso di andare per primo. Fylomega ha pescato 7 carte come mano d’apertura. 7 carte pescate. • Charmeleon, Canna da pesca super, Charmeleon, Ricerca Accademica, Energia base Fuoco, Charizard…
How do I recover my account?
So I started playing and I do not remember creating an account I just played it. I redeemed a lot of codes I had and started playing the game a lot recently. I logged out without thinking too much. Now I cannot enter my old account, is there a way to recover it? I checked my emails and I found an account but it is not the…
Locked out of account
Help! I changed my password several times double checked them. Confirmed my username was typed in correct and still won't let me log in.
Latias Ex Ability Skyliner Not Affected by Iron Thorns Ex's Ability
You can see the affected Turns below. Iron Crowns Ex had no energy but was able to retreat for 0 cost. I believe because Iron Crown Ex is a future, the logic check allowed for Latias Ex's ability to go through, but Latias Ex's ability should have been nulled by Iron Thorns Ex. Setup NorthLion chose heads for the opening…
Locked in tutorial and unable to continue
Hello! Was finally able to get the tcg live to work on my phone (ignoring the constant crashing), and was able to get through the tutorial just fine up until the part where it says “Switch between expansions here” however it is not giving me any indication on how to close that message or letting me press anything except…
Serperior mama bug?
I used TM devo on my Pidgeot EX versus Aegislash and nothing happened.
I used TM devo on my Pidgeot EX versus Aegislash and nothing happened. What did I miss? I thought the ability "Mysterious Shield" only prevented damage, not effects?
Anyone else having issues with abilities?
I've encountered several issues while playing. For example, I've tried multiple times to use Rotom Flying Form to summon three additional Normal Pokémon, but the game simply wouldn’t let me, even though all the conditions were met. The card wasn’t even clickable, and this has happened more than once—it’s really odd.…
Swinging Sphene Bug?
Playing TCGLive on 1/29 was matched against Archaludon ex and I attacked into it with Alolan Exeggutor ex's Swinging Sphene. It landed Heads to knockout the active pokemon; however, their mon wasn't knocked out. Does Metal Defender (this pokemon has no weakness) effect prevent Archaludon from being knocked out? Wasn't…