Toedscruel ex OBF bug
I had an issue where Giratina VStar LOR's star requiem seems to be able to KO one of my Pokemon with energy attached when the Toedscruel ex is on the bench through its protection mycellium ability, and I am quite certain no path to the peak is in play. Not sure if anyone encountered a similar issue, so please share if any…
Heavy Ball breaking deck search
Heavy Ball still breaks deck search on first turn. I say still cause it's been on and off for 6+ months. If you heavy ball then try and use nest ball or vip etc the cards to select from are below the screen. (Android)
Unable to evolve during a "yoga-Looped" turn
On my first turn (going second) I bench Pokémon, knockout one of my opponent's Pokémon with Medicham V's attack 'Yoga Loop', and take another turn. During the subsequent turn, I attempt to evolve Pokémon that were benched last turn, but I am unable to do so. The cards do not have the blue outline, and I am unable to drag…
does anyone know How to solve error "10006"
I cant acces the game due to local data wont load
Random crash during matchmaking
Playing ranked and as the game loads up and as the characters appear the game crashes and the App closes. Playing on IPad Air 3rd generation. Really annoying as this happens every few games and on ranked it’s killing my ability to progress up the ladder as it’s classed as a loss.
nestball/ultraball search problem
i'm having search bug problems with some games. my search with ultraball/nestball gives blank searches like it's saying i have no basic pokemons. is there a way to fix it? i have tried repair or reinstall / new account but it's still there some games.
Pokestop Toedscruel Bug
The new Toedscruel did not stop my opponent from recovering their items with pokestop (and yes it was them using their pokestop and I had toed on my bench)
Spiritomb ability does not work on Genesect V??
Opponent used Genesect V abilities freely when i had Spiritomb with ability: "Basic pokemon V have no abilities." on my bench...
Why doesn't the app load on PC? 11/6/2023
The loading screen showing Roaring Moon EX loads data from server 8/41 and then resets. Every time it hits 8/41 the screen fades to black and resets the download time until it repeats itself. Please help, I would like to be able to play this on my PC instead of my phone as it causes it to overheat. Thanks.
Toedscruel PAR bug
During a recent match my opponent was able to get two item cards from their discard pile using Pokestop even though I had Toedscruel in play. The Pokestop was theirs.