Grafaiai from Paldea Evolved: Damage is incorrect
Grafaiai's attack is supposed to do 40 damage for every basic energy card you discard from your hand. However, in TCG Live, the damage output is reduced to 20 instead of 40.
Raihan not useable after Honedge gets KO’d
Not sure if I’m missing something here, but its happened twice to me that Raihan was not useable right after I’ve had Honedge KO’d. last time it happened it was after he got KO’d by Cramorant’s Spit Innocently. Bug or am I missing something?
Please adjust the reward mechanism to solve concede griefing
In the last week, i've only been able to complete 3 matches where i was winning because my opponent concedes right as i'm about to collect the final prize cards, or right before the final attach, thereby reducing the game pass reward points earned and drastically extending the number of matches needed to rank up. I can't…
Is this player cheating?
<a href="https://ibb.co/ZTdPdJD"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/ZTdPdJD/vergogna.jpg" alt="vergogna" border="0"></a> i was playing with this player " asdasdasdasd12w" everything was normal until is his turn and i am 1 card away from winning and he stop playing , the timer run out and im stuck with him with zero time left but…
Just some feedback
Firstly, I'd like to acknowledge that the team are doing a great job and although nearly every second person seems to think that they can do the job better than you, well, they don't your job, they weren't hired and vetted and worked their butts off. So I guess that says it all. Secondly, There seems to be a bug, where…
Accessibility Options Please - Larger Text Options (no hover, on hover, on click, when viewing draw)
I cannot see cards the text is way too tiny. I know i can hover / click a card (when not drawing from my deck) but that's still not large enough i have to squint and stick my face against my laptop. This should be added ASAP as it's a basic accessibility option. All games with text should include a way to enlarge text…
Aegishlash Mysterious Shield Bug
Was just in a match, played Boss's Orders to switch Aegislash to the bench and brought out their Mew EX. Hit it with Regieleki VMax and it was still protected by the Mysterious Shield and it blocked the hit, and cost me the game. Am I missing something or is it just bugged sometimes when a new mon is switched in?
Opponents time reached zero and nothing happened
Currently I'm looking at a screen with my opponent's timer is zero and the game is making me to concede? This person was losing and laid their phone down instead of leaving so I pay the price? Anyone else seen this happen?
Bugs about Origin Form Dialga
After using Origin Form Dialga‘s VSTAR, other pokemon can't use Ability during the rest of the game. 😥
Milotic ability Dew guard
Currently the ability block the effect of Iono for both players. Is it a bug? Shouldn't it be only for the player with Milotic?