Industrious Incisors not working after update

After this week's update, Bibarel's Industrious Incisors ability stopped working after my opponent used Boss's Orders to make Bibarel active. I had 4 cards and could not use the ability. Canceling Cologne was NOT played. Then, when I moved Bibarel to the bench, I was still unable to use the ability. Please check if this bug consistently occurs after the update.
Nothing like a galarian weezing in play to block the ability, right? P.S. Canceling Cologne wouldn't have been the problem anyway since the effect only stays in play on the opponents turn.
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The Galarian Weezing you referred to was rotated out last year.
However, OP, is Ting-Lu-ex in the active w/ Bibarel damage counters?
^ If yes, not a bug.
...Otherwise, that could mean, as it's not unfairly game-breaking, its ability could have one last chance to shake the glitch off by the end of February... Otherwise, any hopes of seeing its ability fixed likely will have to wait until after the upcoming H-block-intro week update on the last week of March... :(
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@Jammer87 I know Galarian Weezing is rotated but he could've been playing expanded.
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Come to think of it, he said it happened after boss's orders. If it could have worked before boss, then assuming his opponent didn't make any other moves prior to passing turn, format being played does not matter. If the ability could have been used before being pushed to active, and no actions were taken to suppress such, then something else could be causing it: No way it can happen out of the blue without opponent activity.... well, unless the op lucked out and found a glitch worth filing a ticket to the ST for!