Peonia does not put prizes back in the same spots as taken

This was encountered during a youtube stream, so recording is present if needed.
For reference, prize cards are laid out as such with numbers:
2 4 6
1 3 5
Earlier in the game, Prize card in spot 1 was taken for a knockout. Peonia was then played later, with the user picking up prize cards in spots 2, 3, 4.
Three cards were then put back into prizes as prize cards in spot 1,2,3. The user was now missing Prize card spot 4 after Peonia. The cards were returned in the correct order that they were selected when picking for Peonia (1, then 2, then 3).
I would imagine that Peonia is coded to put the prize cards back in the lowest-numbered available spots, instead of back where they were originally. Peonia isn't worded to matter where the prizes are placed back down, simply stating "put a card from your hand face down as a Prize card." This could rule that someone can put them back down wherever they want.
Whether or not this is an issue to the player or worth addressing, I cannot make the call on that, as it would mainly be an issue if someone started taking prizes out of numerical order and now jumbled up where the re-located prizes were. Still, worth the report if you ask me.
This was originally written up back in October 2022 and not commented on.