Bug with Mew's "Max miracle" attack and Weezing's "Let's have a blast"
Found a bug where Mew VMax (S&S Fusion Strike) attacked with Max miracle against Weezing (S&V 151), which activated Weezing's Let's have a blast, but after the coin toss ended in "heads", nothing happened (Mew VMax should've been knocked out). This happened in two different turns, where my opponent didn't have any effect…
Player Avatar is.... Reversed?
Good morning and behold this horrifying view of the back of my characters head... What? Has anyone experienced this before? Unclear if my opponent also saw this view, and if so.... I'm sorry 😂
Battle screen in mobile devices
The battle screen in smartphones is just plane and boring. It just shows a white background with hexagons unlike in the PC version. If it's related to perfomance issues, then the background can be substituted with a static image of it's respective animated version in PC. This makes a huge difference when it comes to how…
Why is there no timer for disconnected players to reconnect If a user disconnects during game setup there is no timer meaning the game could potentially last ages without the game timer actually starting. pls fix
Two frustrating bugs
First - about once every 10 matches, the game moves to the coin flipping screen and then changes to reshow the competitors on iPhone, you lose the ability to play - game acts like you are playing and doing nothing but you can’t see or interact with cards. second, I had a bug in a recent match where after attaching a jet…
mobile full screen (landscape/horizontal mode)
I can take a full view when I play the mobile version on tablet. Looks beautiful and fully functional. The problem is that the creators do not provide an option when the game starts or in the game options to choose this option. officially you can only play the handicapped vertical version of the game, which looks bad and…
Game skipped my turn?
It didn't give a timer or anything it just skipped my turn and caused me to lose. Fix your damn game Pokémon!
Jirachi's blocking animation causes a game breaking glitch
When Sableye places damage counters on Benched Pokemon that are protected with Jirachi's Ability, the animations will become desynced. Specifically, the animations will go by significantly slower on the opponent's screen. As a result, their clock will tick down while they are unable to do anything on their screen, causing…
Bug with Pokémon costs
I found that some Pokémon cards charge much more to get when they shouldn’t. One specific incident which affects me and my deck building is the cherrim card. When trying to purchase the least rare card from battle styles they all are charged for the same amount as the prerelease cherrim. Unfortunately I am not loaded in…
Missing cards?
Hi all, I haven't logged into the new TCG live app for a long while and today was the first time in more than 6 months. I've now noticed many of my cards from the previous edition of the game (TCG online) are no longer in my list of cards - I have tried to check by creating a deck in both standard and expanded formats but…