Gardevoir ex got stuck being unable to attach energy with Psychic Embrace
Was playing against a Maushold ex player. I attached a Psychic energy to my Active Pokemon to retreat and send out Scream Tail. I then used Gardevoir ex's Psychic Embrace Ability to attack 1 energy to Scream Tail. Right after that, the 20 damage was not applied and then I was not able to attach any more energy. The "Done"…
Arc Phone Bug?
When I use Arc Phone, the displayed number of Prize cards increases by 1 when it should be staying the same. While it does not seem to effect gameplay at first, later in the game my Iono and Dream Balls glitch and soft lock my game. Maybe its just me, has anyone else had these issues?
During Sudden Death, I can use Counter Catcher (always)
During Sudden Death, I can always use a Counter Catcher, but since I always have 1 Prize card remaining, and my opponent also has 1 Prize card remaining, I shouldn't be able to use that. In the E regulation standard format, Counter Catcher must always be unusable. However, the cards that were able to add Prize cards to the…
can't evolve Ralts after Bruno
Has anyone else experienced a situation where Bruno was played on 2nd turn, (shuffle in and draw 4), and drew a Kirlia, but was unable to evolve either of two Ralts benched on turn 1?
[BUG] Game freezing on my winning turn
Hello, this has happened to me several times, so I figured it was time to report it. I will be on my winning turn then the game freezes ALL OF A SUDDEN. Everything goes fine until I get ready to deliver the final blow and the game just stalls. No timer, no further actions I can take besides cycle through useless options.…
Bugs sur carte supporter
bah j'ai vraiment un vrai problème ça fait maintenant 2 jours que lorsque j'engage un match je ne peut pas utiliser de carte supporter elle reste fixée sur l'écran près de deck
I haven't played in a long time. I was allowed to use an attack I didn't have energy for?
I can't tell if this is a rules thing or a bug in the client - I was using Arcanine ex, and I had one Fire Energy attached; despite only having one Fire Energy, I was allowed to use Raging Claws, which costs 2. Is there something causing that that I'm missing on the card? Is there a rules change I wasn't aware of? Is this…
Bugged Energy making me unable to select a pokemon for any reason
I was playing a Ranked Standard game, and attached a water energy (specifically a secret/golden water energy) and everything was fine until for some reason the water energy started to glow rainbow colors. I could not select this pokemon with the water energy for any reason or purpose. I couldnt attack with it, I couldnt…
Should Gardevoir EX and Old Cemetery cause damage to my own Pokemon?
I'm using a Psychic deck, all of the pokemon are psychic. I was using Old Cemetery and Gardevoir EX. When I would use Gardevoir EX's ability it would cause Old Cemetery to damage my Pokemon. Should this be happening?
I have claimed the roaring moon ex card from battle pass but it does not show in my deck
Pls help me I just claimed my roaring moon ex alt art card but couldn't find it in deck