Pokemon TCG Live Download for PC Bug
I have downloaded the Pokemon TCG Live for my PC via the Google Play Store on my chromebook that I use for gaming. The app is stuck on Collecting local assets 6/41 and does not move past this screen. Can you help with this?
crobat critical bite damage not being applied
2 games today crobat's critical bite has had some incorrect behavior. The first was on the opponent's active. They started with 100 damage, 20 left. an animation showed applying only the 30 damage, clearing the damage that was already there, then another animation showed adding 100 damage back. I only got one prize card…
Can't log in through mobile
I'm still getting the log in session expired error, I've tried Uninstaller and such. I can't play on my phone. Is there something being done?
Charizard ex tera
I know that this card is broken but, I've seen damage come out of no where. When you look at my games the criteria has not been met for the damage and it causes 340 damage. Can you look into this bug.
Is it normal my game still freezes every now and then?
It's not as unplayable as it used to be but it's still quite bad. Every three or four games my screen freezes while a supporter card was played, while the timer still runs but my turn doesn't end. In the past I had often the problem where I could not select cards I was searching for, instantly losing me the game. Back then…
Switch out Unstable
I used switch to change out the active pokemon and it put one I didn't select and then overlayed the one I did on top but could only select the wrong one to attack. Then the one I did select popped in front of my screen permanantly also in a warped state preventing me from playing my hand. I don't know what kind of…
Simplify Start of Game (Auto choose who goes first)
It would be really nice to just have the client randomly decide which player would go first each game. Having to see who will flip, then have someone choose who will go first, all this is a waste of time in my eyes. I understand there is some strategic decisions to make here, but I personally think it would be more…
Lurantis ability not doubling for dual type
The Lurantis that gives +20 dmg to Grass & Fire types is not giving +40 dmg to Pokémon that are both Grass & Fire type. Eg. Kecleon with Unit Energy and 3 Lurantis got +60 dmg instead of +120 dmg. I'm quite sure it used to give +40 dmg in the previous client. The new dual type Scovillain also gets +20 dmg from each…
PTCGL - Interaction Not Working - Grant with Chromashift
I had Kecleon with Chromashift active with a rapid strike energy and Psychic attached. This means chromashift should be active making Kecleon Water\Fighting\Psychic. I used Grant which is supposed to increase the damage of all fighting pokemon by 30. When I attacked, grant's bonus was not active.
Can the new Legacy be XY & BW cards pls
Hi it may happen anyway since we lost HGSS but just in case there wasn't a plan for bringing back Legacy, when the XY & BW cards become playable in the future can a Legacy be made for those 2 sets? And of course can Expanded pls include both XY & BW?