Full Art Cards not Displaying
when I try to add a full set or illustration rare card to my deck, it just turns into the normal card and will not display?
Radiant Charizard and Espathra Ex
Radiant Charizard attack cost is not correctly affected by espathra ex ability. With 4 prize cards taken, opponent with radiant charizard in active with one fire energy, my espathra ex with ability active, opponent was able to attack
Defiance Band
I have used this item many times when i have more prize cards remaining then my opponent with no additional damage being added to my pokemon. Am I using this card wrong?
Stuck at Language Select
I keep trying to start the game, but I can't even get to the login screen because it keeps restarting after I select my language. Is this happening to anyone else?
The phone app is horrible. Often when you que into a game it will que twice. The avatar screen comes up. Game starts. Another avatar screen comes up and the app freezes. Then when you reopen the app you've lost two games worth of rank points. It is so frustrating to win 3 games in a row then lose the rank points from a…
Radiant Greninja weakness damage applied
When finishing up a game vs Armarouge/Charizard, I Switch'd Iron Valiant to stack damage, then retreated into Greninja. Opp's bench was 90HP Charmander and active was 110/130HP Armarouge, I attack with Moonlight Shuriken and Charmander was hit for 90 but Armarouge took 180 total which gave me the win. Not that I'm upset…
Can't log in after update
Still.says log in session expired.
Stuck on match intro screen
I encountered an error in which the game gets stuck on the match intro screen showing both players and their scores. The game was able to be played as usual for the other player and the effects for things like evolving played out as if nothing was wrong. I was unable to see mine or my opponent's cards, so the game became…
Stuck at Error:10097
Please help ive tried uninstall and reinstall app, restart my phone and relogin in the game.. still stuck.. i just bought battle pass too..
Mimikyu V Dummy Doll and Path to the Peak incorrect interaction
I recently played a game where I placed Mimikyu V, activated the dummy doll ability when I placed it into play and then my opponent on their turn played path to the peak and was able to damage my Mimikyu V. This is not how the cards are intended to work. The rulings compendium states: "Say I played Mimikyu V and used its…