Technical Machine: Devolution
I found a bug with TM Devolution where if a Pokemon with a HP modifier such as heroes cape and has damage counters on it equal to or more than the HP of the newly Devolved Pokemon with out the additional HP it will be knocked out before the game registers the tool card.
Game is completely unplayable
There is tons and I mean tons of issues ever since the new update came out. For starters I lost multiple almost 100 to be exact ranked points just by having to close the game because I get paired with two opponents at once. The game deleted all of my decks, and just now it wouldn’t even let me play. I put an active Pokemon…
Lumineon V
I have always wondered if Lumineon V is put into play while gap jaw bog is in play with your opponent having ting-lu ex in there active do you get to use the luminos sign abillity or is it cancelled out by cursed land.
Error during this current update
During this current update, my update failed at 70% , and show a message "Ops try again". Im using an Windows 11 home,Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.99 GHz, 12gb ram. I tryed to reinstall and this error keep repeting, when i click try again nothin happen
Serhing bugs
So not once but my first 2 games of the day started off doing ok then I use a nest ball, my decklist doesnt show only valid and all buttons with a dark screan as if im serching. Closed game reopend took the loss and rank decress. Next game i go into use heavy ball grab squawk from prises and then use ultra ball same thing…
Game not launching in landscape orientation
The game stucks on loading screen saying "initializing scenes" and never logs into the game when launched in horizontal orientation on my andriod tablet nor on m smartphone. The issue is still there even after many updates that have occurred. Please look into this.
Game still does not allow you to log in on Android
Another patch, and they still have not addressed a huge issue with the Android app, which LITERALLY KEEPS PEOPLE FROM PLAYING THE GAME. Is this not a critical issue? How is anyone doing to spend money in your in-game shop if they can't get in-game? This is an embarrassing app. I can log in on PC just fine, but Android will…
Unity Crash Program Keep Running ! ?
As of today, 17 APR 2024, the Unity crash-handling program, Unity 2019.4.23f1_3f4e01f1a5ec, starts to run more more frequently, and close down the whole TCG Live program, sometimes even when no game was running. Why ? i will insert a picture if i can. but this website will not allow it.
Live spectate game for friends / online tournaments.
There is definitely a missing feature and that is a game spectate. It would be amazing to see game of friends directly (where you see only hands / deck of your friend) + there are lot of online tournaments that could be streamed, if you manage to make 2nd spectate option - to see hands of both players for this purpose.
iOS Device Game Crashes - 4/16/24
Hi everyone, The team is investigating an issue where some players on iOS devices are experiencing a game crash on the initial launch. If you're experiencing this issue, force close the application to stop it and reopen it to see if the issue persists. If the issue persists, please submit a ticket to our Support Team and…