Graphical Downgrade
There is a graphical downgrade compared to the previous game, the bad aliasing on the in-game models and the low resolution cards kind of ruin the experience. I hope they can add back in the option to download the high resolution cards at the very least, but I still hope they fix the aliasing issue.
Blank Redemption Card From 2024 SWSH Era Pack (Don't know what one...)
I pulled a redemption card that is missing the following: 1. QR Code 2. Redemption Code 3. Redemption Set ID (ENSV4BST) 4. Name of the redemption. Other than that it is fully printed. First time ever seeing this and wasn't able to find anything online. Any idea on what to do? I am missing a few boxes on TCG Live that…
Help with recent PokeGo crash.
I have an IPhone, as well as Pokemon go, which has a huge problem, In the Shiny Category in the Pokedex. When I see spinda, it crashes. Help?
Great Tusk - Land Collapse
I was playing with the Great Tusk Mill deck and used the Ancestral Supporter card, which resulted in me having no cards left in my deck. It was my turn, so I used the Land Collapse attack of my Great Tusk, but it only discarded 1 card from my opponent's deck. My opponent had only 4 cards left before the attack, and I lost…
How to redeem our 2 free booster ?
When the app got announced, the said we would have 2 free booster everyday, but I don't see them anywhere
Bug from Great Tusk
I played a professor Sada's Vitality in this round and use land collapse from great tusk. Only 1 card was discarded when he only has 4 cards in their deck.
Game crashed while opening packs. Where are they??
I scanned 49 code cards in and was doing a big opening bc i was looking for ancient cards, i just started playing online bur i play irl so i had a bunch of code cards hanging around, one of which being from a paldean fates etb. after like 15 packs the game crashes and when i reopen it i don’t have any cards i didn’t…
No opponent no show internal timer
Has happened a few times now. Either the opponent is afk or there's issues behind the scene with connections, regardless, there seems to no longer be an internal clock to move games along in these instances. The game gets stuck on 'waiting for (player)' and doesn't progress. This forces a concede. Previously the game would…
Thorton bug
my opponent used the supporter card “Thorton” to swap their Snorlax with Cinccino. Thorton only allows to swap a basic Pokemon from the discard pile.
Why mist energy not working with charizard ex attack?
I was play tinkaton ex with a ine mist energy and one psychic energy gainst with charizard ex, but the chrizard's attack Burning darkness add 30 more damage each prize card.