Destiny Stinger vs Altered Creation GX
This has happened a few times now, so I think there is a bug with the way Altered Creation GX calculates knock-outs and prize cards to take. For clarity, the text for this reads: "For the rest of this game, your Pokemon's attacks do 30 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).…
When i play Espathra ex doesn’t use the abilities normally
Here’s battle logs. Setup Luthurien chose tails for the opening coin flip. Uhong416 won the coin toss. Luthurien decided to go second. Luthurien drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards. Uhong416 drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards. • Artazon, Bidoof, Basic Psychic Energy, Switch, Judge, Basic…
Lightning wall doesn't work. Did I miss something?
Setup Observer_Yosef chose tails for the opening coin flip. Azarath96 won the coin toss. Azarath96 decided to go second. Observer_Yosef drew 7 cards for the opening hand. 7 drawn cards. • Galarian Perrserker V, Aegislash ex, Doublade, Doublade, Lady, Earthen Vessel, Dialga Azarath96 drew 7 cards for the opening hand. 7…
Unable to select energy for retreat cost
While attempting to retreat a Gardevoir (shining arcana) from the active that had 2 psychic energy and a reversal energy attached, the game would not allow me to select any energy card. The game eventually auto selected my reversal energy and a psychic energy, and prompted me to declare my new active. I was then unable to…
Electric Generator not working
Whenever I try using electric generator from my hand, it doesn't allow me to do anything with it. It doesn't even have the glow effect that other cards use to signify that they are usable. Is anyone else having a problem like this? It's making my matches extremely frustrating.
Boss's orders resets can't attack next round
Maybe it's a rule I don't know but when an origin foem Palia V I was fighting against used Hydro Breaker last round, was subsequently switched away with Boss's orders and switched into the attacking postition again the next round it was able to use Hydro Breaker again. is the reset of this intentional via boss's order?
[BUG] TCG Live crashes and is not playable on iPhone 8
I know it’s an old device, but every other Pokémon game (Masters, GO, Unite etc.) works with no issues on iPhone 8. TCG Live crashes so much in every area of the game that the game’s literally unplayable. If you can fix this, please do, as you could potentially lose players who play on older devices, not just me on my…
Authentication Issue
Is Authentication down right now or is it just me? I completed a match and then got booted from the iPhone App. When I re-opened it, it gets to the part where you pop-in your username and password, but then just freezes when you hit the button to continue.
[Bug Report] Arezu Doesn't Reveal the 3 Pokemon Cards to Opponent
My opponent currently does not reveal which 3 cards they put into their hand when playing Arezu.
Lumineon - Thorton Bug
Alas i don't have a screen shot. But i was playing a Whiscash - Blastoise Mill deck. My Lumineon Card 'acted' as a Whiscash and froze/softlocked the game. How i got the bug: My bench contained: Rotom-V / Diancie / Blastoise PoGo / Barboach / Manaphy Active was: Diancie Opponent killed Diancie → i switched in my second…