My code is not working
I had just gotten a 2023 world championships deck and when i redeemed my card it has not given me my items please help
Is everyone getting the 10011 error
just started for me today. Last night it was working fine
Version 1.13.0 Deleted All My Cards From All My Saved Decks
Hello, I thought I should share my concern with the latest update. All my decks have had their card information removed. The deck name and cosmetic information remains unchanged. Before the update all my decks were eligible for play in Standard format. Now all my decks show they have 0/60 cards saved. Something with the…
All Cards removed from Decks
I opened TCGL to find that my decks were deleted from my account somehow. All the deck titles are in my collection but each of them have had their cards removed down to 0/60 cards. Is this a known issue that occured before? Is there a solution besides remaking each deck individually?
Prize card stuck
Im stuck on the prize card screen when my next turn wins me the game plz fix this
Please help - Error 10011
My app loads till 10/41 and then shows up with error 10011. I’ve tried everything, please help.
What Toedscruel ex should stop (and what it should not)
Hello all ! i am still mildly confused about Toedscruel ex's (and by extension, Espeon VMAX's) Ability; to recap, both say "Prevent all effects of attacks used by your opponent’s Pokémon done to all of your Pokémon that have Energy attached. (Existing effects are not removed. Damage is not an effect.)" i saw some scenarios…
Tired of getting points deducted because of game problems
I’m tired of getting my points deducted because of bugs. I really want they to fix it immediately and please make the match invalid which means the points will not get deducted if problems while playing like connection issue or bugs are occur. It was not fair our points get deducted not from our fault. There was no fun at…
Bugs with desync/disconnections?
I just lost two consecutive games in mewtwo league due to possible desyncs. The timer started counting down even though it wasnt my turn and I never got a turn in one game. Also in another game right after it happened again and there were connection issues on a network I never had issues with. Any ways I can avoid this?…
Great Tusk Mill Bug
When I tried using Explorers Guidance when I had fewer than 6 cards remaining, the card itself worked as intended, adding the 2 cards I selected and dropping the rest. The issue is that when I went to use Great Tusk's Land Collapse afterwards, it only milled 1 of my opponent's cards despite me fulfilling the requirement of…