legal cards banned in expanded format?
trying to build an expanded deck that uses some old cards: Guzma, Guzma&Hala, Wally, Vs Seeker, and Muscle Band. but for some reason the game is saying that VS Seeker, Muscle Band and Wally are banned cards in expanded but they are not on the official ban list. is this a bug? why would the cards be in the game if not…
Avast Antivirus is blocking PTCG Live
When I'm trying to start PTCCG Live due to Avast conflict application is stooping with info: No network found please try again start application: it is quite popular antivirus can you solve the problem
Trading? Og EX cards?
Will trading be back? If it is in the new version, please let me know where can you trade. If not, please add trading back. Btw, your game is awesome. And, please add old EX cards back. Thank you. <3
Zero to Hero bugs
*I used Google Translate, sorry for my English* I built a deck with palafin ex (Zero to hero) but as I play, the game freezes when looking at the deck, or the cards change out of nowhere, or the screen goes black, etc., endless problems. This happens with the cell phone app and with the desktop application.
I redeemed card packs and they haven’t showed up online?
I had redeemed 28 card packs with the code, but they have not shown up on my account through the app. I can’t redeem the codes again, so what should i do?
Iron Hands EX
How can my opponent retreat without using a switch card or catcher card and nor pay the energy cost? I just played a future box but my opponent was able to retreat and not use a switch card or pay the energy cost. I don't know if I missed something or if there's a bug in the TCG app
Opponent conceded and the game frozen
I was playing he used horsea, evolved into kingdra and then after killing one of my pokemon and waiting for his turn it froze
Turn crashing when you try and draw with an empty deck.
I am playing deck with the new sinistcha ex I run cycling road and radiant greninja to discard energy and draw. If I use any of those cards to discard energy while my deck is empty the game just freezes on my side and I am unable to do anything. My turn then times out and goes to the opponent and I loose to deck out. Can…
My game froze after I used Chien-Pao EX's move to attack my opponent's Charizard EX. Now I'm stuck at a screen that says "Please wait, reconnecting…" I'm currently playing in ranked, so I don't want to concede and lose rank points.
How was my cornerstone mask killed
From cornerstone masks ability I thought clients pao could not damage me because it has an ability but it still knocked me out.