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Needhelp: Registered Cards on TCG Live but not showing up ingame
I recently registered a couple of card packs but the Pokémon aren't showing up in my game. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
How to correct the Junior Rankings?
My son competed in a Pokemon League Challenge on Oct 27th and won first place but, I cannot locate him anywhere on the leader board.
Update Battles Please. Suggestions:
Battles win rate % & total battles for all battles and another set of stats seperate for each deck used quick chat feature “nah, i’d win” “Hurry up slowpoke!” “Wow, you got lucky this time.” “Tails, Tails, Tails!” emotes tournaments - frequency scaled based on # daily players and set global times based on data of heaviest…
Card check list for Surging Sparks
I want to know if there is a card check list for the new surging sparks set? On the other sets I’ve been able to find a printable pdf list with all cards of a set. I like to print those out and check the cards I get. But I haven’t found a list like that for the newest set. Is there a list like that?
Bug with Blissey ex not being able to draw "area zero" when it attacks.
Every time i'm supposed to draw area zero with my blissey ex attack it just draws up to 5 and then the game sometimes soft locks or just bugs and counts me with an extra invisible card in hand.
Please make 2 brackets
There should be a bracket where Ex pokemon are legal, and one where it's banned, 99% of the pokemon right now are useless, every game is just about who gets the first Ex pokemon and start one hitting the other..
Unable to create new pokemon account via join.pokemon.com
is not working » We get this image but then cannot click on anything or proceed.
Pikachu EX bug
Pikachu EX's Circle Ciruit attack says that it deals 30x with x being the amount of benched pokemon your opponent has. This works correctly for 3 benched pokemon dealing 90 damage. However, for 1 benched pokemon it also deals 90 damage. This happened with the 2nd rarest version (not the gold card). I'm unsure if the other…
Ban Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon Ex
Literally can't do anything against it. Can't damage it with cards in my deck and it deals 120 damage. And don't say, "Just run x card" because that is not a good answer to this poorly designed card. One, if x card is in my prize cards then I can't do anything. Two, if the only way to deal with a card is to force running…
Zebstrika bug (wrong version of game)
Edit: This was meant for the pocket version I just can't figure out how to delete this post. Zebstrika's Thunder Spear does not get the extra 20 damage from attacking a benched pokemon with electric vulnerability. Works correctly if attacking the active pokemon.