more problems with Prime Catcher
I just played a game in which I could not play my Prime Catcher. There were no status effects active except for the increased retreat costs from my Spidops. The glitch cost me a match. I have a screenshot but cannot insert it in this post.
Play events site missing sort by date option
The sort by date option has been removed from the events play site. Was this intentional and if so why?
unable to bring in pokemon because card "hides' behind other
I just experience a bug in which I could not use my Prime Catcher to bring in the oppenents Pokemon that I wanted because the card I was trying to select was behind the "featured" Prime Catcher card in the upper left of the screen. It was very frustrating. I had to choose a different opponent Pokemon and bring that one in…
Charizard Z
Cards facing the wrong way.
All my cards facing the wrong direction both in hand and deck. Gives a new definition to the words ‘lost box’. I was forced to concede and close the app…again. Shameful to have so many game breaking bugs for a game so long from its release. Poor poor poor.
Why can’t I see or use my gardevior Ex from the shining fates pass?
I’ve been trying to use the gardevior ex from the shining fates pass tier 1 but I haven’t seen in it in my collection and I have collected it but it just won’t show up can someone help me?
Since the new Update- Getting kicked and auto losses multiple times in less than an hour
like I said, I have played a few games and anytime i am hit for more then 200 damage and my Pokémon is KOed i am immediately kicked and have to re log 3 times then take an auto loss. Is it a bug or is it on my end? unfortunately, I'm stuck on MAC at the moment so its not great to begin with.
Am I missing something?
Mimikyu's Safeguard ability doesn't allow V or EX pokemon to attack that card, but in several games I have been unable to attack regardless of who was in the active spot… Am I dumb?
Visual and other bugs
Greetings, I have faced some bugs in the game, for example game was non responsive for at least 2 minutes and then my pokemon was attached 6 psychic energies, which was impossible cause it only had enough hp for 1 energy with gardevoir to do so. Is this or other similar bugs common in the game? Thank you in advance.
Crobat Vmax attack doesn't work when take knockouts
Whenever I take a knockout with Crobat VMAX, the attack doesn't allow me to switch to new pokemon, instead game freezes, and opponent and I must reload the game. Happens consistently. For example if I use the 70dmg attack to knockout a 40hp pokemon, the game freezes for me.