大约在01:40左右 这张卡: mela
where to get my free ETB
i unlocked a free ETB through twitch and tryin to find where to claim in on the pokemon site#
Bug when selecting prize cards
Sometimes when a prize card is selected, the card just stays at the front of the screen and there is no way to continue the game, forcing me to concede/close the app. Please fix the bug!!!
Player do not timeout
Hi; I do not know if it is a bug or a player cheating but a player did not do any action and he did not timeout. A player in it second turn used a supporter card (Elesa’s Sparkle) and after attaching two energies to his pokemon he just did not do anything, I have checked the timer to run out when I am thinking what actions…
Bug - Toedscruel's Slime Mold Colony and Pokestop
Here's a fun one. Pokestop discards cards from the top of the deck, then places items discarded in this way in the hand. Toedscruel's Slime Mold Colony Ability prevents the effects of your opponents cards in discard from going to hand using Trainers and Abilities from Pokemon. If my opponent places a Pokestop and uses it…
Cards are Softlocked
I recently redeemed some of my cards, and they redeemed fine, but are considered banned in Standard and Expanded decks. Whats really annyoing, is that the first two evolutions (Porygon and Porygon2) are banne dand illegal, but the final evolution (Porygon-Z GX) is totally legal, but of course, i cant use it without the…
Am I doing something wrong with future booster energy capsule?
I’ve tried running an iron valiant ex deck and use the boosters with the intent to have no retreat cost for the iron Vals but it seems like I can only retreat once for free and then the option is grayed out even if the new active iron valiant has a future booster as well. Am I missing something?
Heatmor and charizard ex bug
I don't know if these are bugs or I just missed something but in regards to heatmor(041/264): Exciting Flame's description reads: If this pokemon has at least 3 extra energy attached (in addition to this attack's cost), this attack also does 180 damage to 1 of your opponent's benched pokemon. How I've been experiencing it…
Pokemon TCG Live is straight up unplayable in Windows
When i dowloaded TCG Live i faced errors 10099 and 10010 although it was an easy fix it was still annoying, then when i started playing i faced with the first bug, the enemy player model simply doesn't load, i can't search for cards when i play per example an ultra ball, the cards simply don't show up and it just says "No…
Iron valiant ex bug?
How does iron valiant use tachyon bits on my benched Pokémon with an ability to prevent damage done by attacks while the Pokémon is on the bench??