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JazzyUnicornGir Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
Photogenic 25 Likes First Answer 100 Comments

My game froze after I used Chien-Pao EX's move to attack my opponent's Charizard EX. Now I'm stuck at a screen that says "Please wait, reconnecting…"

I'm currently playing in ranked, so I don't want to concede and lose rank points.


  • Mod_Bee
    Mod_Bee Moderator Posts: 319 mod
    25 LOLs 5 Agrees 25 Likes 5 Answers

    Hello, I recommend opening a ticket with the support team. You can do so by visiting https://support.pokemon.com/ then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us" Thanks!

  • JazzyUnicornGir
    JazzyUnicornGir Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
    Photogenic 25 Likes First Answer 100 Comments

    @Mod_Bee I didn't think about that yesterday or else I would have done that. Thank you so much though!