What Pokemon Black and White episode Iris cracked her knuckles?
Is there an episode where she did that?
Ash's Sceptile as a senior citizen?
What if Ash's Sceptile has grown older into a senior citizen with its body skinniness, its fragile body muscles, facial wrinkles, slower rate movement and a walking stick? What do you think might happen?
What do you guys think about Ash's original team with all PKMN fully evolved?
Ash Ketchum's Pokémon Anime Revival
Ash Ketchum has caught and trained some of his Pokémon that most people have thought are the best fit for his team for good reasons, but some of his Pokémon have perceived bad qualities. However, he shouldn't have caught or trained other Pokémon that most people have thought are too unfit for his team for bad reasons, but…
There should be a Detective pikachu movie sequel. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE MY MIND!
I have always wanted a sequel for the detective pikachu movie. And now that there is a sequel to the game I thought that since they based the movie off the first game make a sequel based on the second game. Bring back all the old actors and voice actors. THEY BETTER BRING RYAN REYNOLDS BACK FOR DETECTIVE PIKACHU! he fit…
Why you taking away Pokémon TV?!
Please don’t, a free subscription with Pokémon was epic, you can add it to Nintendo Online if you want.
Pokémon Detective Pikachu Movie Sequel Questions
Where do you think that a Detective Pikachu movie sequel is going to be released for, movie theaters or a video streaming service? A who do you think will be involved in distributing this movie? Which original characters do you think will make their own physical comeback as in this movie? And which actors do you think will…
What do you think of the Pokémon concierge?
I loved it, I really liked the story, very cute and beautiful, I loved these Stop-Motion animation styles in Pokémon, I also updated my list of favorite Pokémon and included Psyduck in my list of favorite Pokémon, he is very cute and a Pokémon, And what's more, I also saw the message that really, life is fun with Pokémon,…
Which Water-Type Starter Pokémon is the best?
Of the nine water-type starters, which do y'all like best?
I'm looking for a upload of Pokemon Horizons' 30th Episode. Everywhere i go, there seems to be a hint, I go to BiliBili, There's copyright. Plex, Nothing. 9anime? Let's not talk about it. All i get from Youtube are reviews. But there are some parts of the episode. Can you find the full 30th episode of the anime?