Psychic Type

For fans of the Psychic Type! Discuss and post all about the Psychic Type!
My favorites are Rabsca, Galarian Slowbro, Musharna, Reuniclus, Beheeyem, Starmie, Hoopa Unbound, Lunala, Solgaleo, and Necrozma.
They are not in order, just my favorites.
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What a peculiar thread. Don't you have any opinions on the type you would like to share, OP? A favourite psychic Pokémon? Analysis of psychic type Pokémon's effect on the meta, perhaps?
Psychic types obviously made a huge impression on me back in the gen 1 days. They were obviously broken, had a lot of interesting designs that deviated from most other types' real-world animal analogues and were key part of Team Rocket's background lore, even if they didn't feature in the narrative itself.
Mewtwo and Mew unsurprisingly are favourites of mine for this reason. I like the Abra line, too. Lugia I do not think of as psychic, but it is its primary type and I loved it so much I opted for Silver over Gold back in gen 2.
I liked the Ralts line, but its reputation online has somewhat soured me to it. I liked Rapidash, so I was very happy when it got a new Galarian forme, and psychic at that.
I think legendaries and mythics leaned on psychic typing a little too much in the earlier days of the series, largely due to gen 1 and Mewtwo's presence. But that changed over time and we don't get as many Mew or Mewtwo clones these days, but I am still surprised when some new Pokémon clearly intended to be powerful are psychic.
Or maybe they're powerful because psychic is still good, even after nerfs to it and buffs to its counters?
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Delphox is a Psychic type. Delphox is THE best Pokémon ever made.
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My favorite psychic type is Galarian Slowbro. (only because I use it in competitive play sometimes)
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Just a general Psychic Type appreciation thread.Psychic is my favourite Type and Mew is my favourite Pokémon. So many great designs for the Psychic Type Pokémon. Such as:
Victini, the Ralts line, the Solosis line, Espeon, the Munna line, the Mew duo, the Slowpoke line, Delphox, the Bedlum line, Jirachi and more like others mentioned in this thread. I like lots of Pokémon, but the Psychic Type has the most that I like.
Also many great notable Psychic Type Moves too. Such as:
Psychic, Psychic Terrain, Heart Swap, Cosmic Power, Rest, Calm Mind, Stored Power, Trick Room and more.
It's interesting and cool to me how overpowered Psychic Type was in gen 1 since there's clearly a lot of that Early-Installment Weirdness back then. I like how Mew has been pretty good in competitive with being able to learn any TM Move.
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@Splatdude Fair enough. I just think that if you are going to make a thread about something, you should contribute something first. Which you did, when prompted.
I like how Mew has been pretty good in competitive with being able to learn any TM Move.
Mew has a good stat block, which eventually became the template for a lot of mythical Pokémon. But there is a lot to be said for the versatility of a game piece in any game.
People will often sacrifice power for utility, so the fact Mew has both makes it a home run.
The fact that it was cute and extremely rare and desirable was icing on the cake. Game Freak was incentivised to keep it relevant and competitive.
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It was really nice to have Delphox be Fire Psychic Type after Blaziken, Infernape and Emboar were all Fire Fighting Type. Delphox is a great design, I'm glad to have chosen Fennekin in Pokémon X.
I like how all the Evolutions of Eevee handle their take on their respective Types. I feel that really helped Espeon stand out from many other Psychic Type Pokémon.
A lot stands out about Mew to me that I like. Some of which you mentioned such as being versatile, rare, good in competitive and cute as well. I find interesting the Pokémon that have all equal Base Stats like Mew does, there's more ways to do their EVs and Nature combination. That goes even more so for Mew with having access to so many Moves.