Looking for Melmetal, Cyrus and Rocky Helmet
Hello! I need few cards, Melmetal, Cyrus x1, Rocky Helmet x2. Please tell me what you need instead;) My ID: 8585-2343-3474-5750
Segnalo un bug, gli attacchi delle eevoluzioni teracristal possono essere usate ogni turno
Allestimento Fylomega ha scelto croce per il lancio della moneta iniziale. skeboosh ha vinto il lancio della moneta. skeboosh ha deciso di andare per primo. Fylomega ha pescato 7 carte come mano d’apertura. 7 carte pescate. • Charmeleon, Canna da pesca super, Charmeleon, Ricerca Accademica, Energia base Fuoco, Charizard…
Trade systems is bad. you can’t even trade any rarity like promo cards, and you need to discard multiple cards to be able to trade one
Trade for venusaur 003
I have a Blastoise 009, Gyarados 0130, omastar 0139, Zapdos 0145, Hypno 097, mewtwo 0150, muk 0089, Snorlax 0143 available to trade for it. friend ID 3012188083630519
I'm want to trade for your Venusaur Ex x1 / Saymin 1 Star x2 (Full art)
The list of pkmn I have available to trade for Venusaur EX at this time include: Arcanine, Moltres, Articuno, Pikachu, Marrowack, Gengar, Wigglytuff, Celeby, Gyrados, Mew, areodactyl, Pidgeot, Yanmega, Mismagius, Gallade, Weavile. (I need 1 trade, message which one you would like to trade.) The list of pkmn I have…
How do I recover my account?
So I started playing and I do not remember creating an account I just played it. I redeemed a lot of codes I had and started playing the game a lot recently. I logged out without thinking too much. Now I cannot enter my old account, is there a way to recover it? I checked my emails and I found an account but it is not the…
win or tie condition experiment, not sure if it's a bug or not
I conducted an experiment earlier on: Player A has only a farfetch'd with 20HP on the battle field, no bench pokemon Player B has 2 bench pokemon, and a Druddigon on the battle field, also 20HP Both players have so far scored 2 points Now player A's Farfetch'd attacks, so Farfetch'd and Druddigon will faint and give both…
Giratina full art trade
0646564200126745 6 full arts on offer to exchange (from palkia set): Gastrodon Cresselia Hippopotas Staraptor Glameow Tangrowth
Looking for ⭐ Squirtle (A1 232)
I'm looking for the Squirtle full art and these are the ones I can trade: ⭐Meowth - ⭐Porygon - ⭐Slowpoke - ⭐Golbat - ⭐Snorlax - ⭐Gyarados ⭐Evee - ⭐Vaporeon - ⭐Dedenne
Friends on Pokémon go
I need more friends to raid and send gifts with!! My screen name is cheychey878 and my trainer code is 910442792053