What is your favorite Pokemon card?
What is your favorite Pokemon card that you have gotten? Mine has to be my Meowscarada Ex
What should be the best emblem boost Dex for pokemons
Placing Damage Counters should not be an Effect
The Cards even always say that Damage is not an Effect… why oh why, isn't a move called, "Reflective Barrier," not acting like it SHOULD and just Damaging them?? Why is it even placing Damage Counters?? It makes no sense. So, placing Damage Counters should act just like straight Damage from an Attack.
Questionnaire Gives 401 Unauthorized Code
Does anyone else have an issue with the questionnaire link in the news section? It doesn't redirect or go anywhere and just offers a 401 code. On Apple I-phone btw if that's relevant.
Using pack hourglass
Is it ok to spend all hourglasses to reduce time? I mean will I be able to get them for free when I level up? Or better save them like premium points and spend little by little?
Can't do anything
Sometimes when playing supporter cards, nothing happens. I can't use the effect of the supporter, play another card, or do anything. My turn will end after a while. The same thing happens sometimes after attaching an energy or using Pidgeot ex Quick Search ability. This has caused me to lose multiple games at this point.
Enable 120Hz on devices that support it
First off, thanks for giving the option between 30Hz and 60Hz! But there are a lot of devices now that support 120Hz, and supporting that would be awesome.
Stuck at coin flip. MOBILE BUG
I'm on a regular samsung galaxy 23, running android 14, with 6.1 One UI Theres a 30% chance (its happened to me 6 times already) for a match to show the player quotes, and ask for the coin flip but then never leave the player quotes and animation showing off the avatars stays on screen. The battle actually continues, and…
Game freezes when i try to use an item card mid match
Hello, I just wanted to report a bug ive experienced a few times, its nothing major but it is pretty unfortunate to have to end games in the ranked ladder i would be winning bc the game freezes but my clock keeps running down. But the bug is that when i play an item card, it will go onto the field, but the effect wont…
Could not move
Declared me defeated because it told me I did not move for too long (waited for 20 minutes), but on my screen I was actually waiting for the other player. Many times it has also froze and remained on the match screen and showed me as defeated because of not moving, but I am not actually able too. So, my ranked has been…